six ; the idiots duel

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Liliana sat alone, her mind racing frantically. Had she imagined it or had she really run out of the Great Hall a few minutes ago? The look of Seamus's stunned face flashed in her mind. With a heavy sigh she decided it hadn't been a figment of her imagination.

Seamus had been staring at his goblet bitterly, so Liliana thought he'd been upset with the pumpkin to rum ratio, which was 1:0 naturally. The idea made her laugh, and she tried to tell him that. Though the laughter faded as the pumpkin juice he'd been drinking spilled past his lips and dripped down his chin.

At that moment all she could remember was how her heart sank at the look in his eyes. For a split second she wondered why she could never keep friends or make them. And then, as three other Gryffindors asked her to read their minds, she understood why.

Other than Professor McGonagall and Hermione, no one truly understood her. And as she booked it towards the ornate oak doors, she wasn't sure anyone ever would. That made trusting her legilimency around others difficult - did they see her, or did they only see her abilities?

"Why did I do that?" Liliana wondered aloud, her head buried in her hands. "Why couldn't I stay quiet? Why did I have to ruin it? Now I'm the freak everyone thinks I am." A bitter laugh escaped her mouth. "Great."

"Hi." It was Harry, a small smile on his lips. "Is that step taken?"

Liliana looked up, a schlump in her shoulders. "I 'spose not." Her brows furrowed as he sat beside her. "Shouldn't you be eating breakfast?"

"Shouldn't you?" he argued.

"Not hungry."

"Neither am I."

As if on cue, his stomach gave a loud grumble.

Liliana grinned slightly. "Sounds like you are."

Harry cursed his traitorous cravings.

"I don't blame you," Liliana said suddenly. "Pancakes are the best."

Too late had she realized what she'd done. Harry's eyes grew wide, but something odd happened. Instead of the look of curiosity she usually saw, Harry's eyes shone with... appreciation?

"Aren't they?" His eyes gleamed as bright as the sun. "I've never had ones as fluffy as these. The ones I ate were usually... crispy?"

Liliana made a face. Harry laughed.

The bell rang, signaling that breakfast was over. Liliana started to gather her book bag, hoping Hermione would reach Transfiguration first and save their seats - she'd been in the library because breakfast didn't prioritize, in her words, "getting an A on their chapter exam."

(discontinued) potentia animi ; harry potterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu