five ; intro to magic

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Liliana trudged down the girl's staircase the following morning desperately hoping for some juice and toast. After her alarm clock - a.k.a. Hermione Granger - rudely awoke her, it was the only thing on her mind. That is until she reached the common room, and suddenly the thought vanished.

A few students walked up to her, all with a curious gleam in their eyes. It startled her.

"So, how does it work?" one of them asked.

"Legilimency, that is," another clarified.

"Can you really read my mind?"

Liliana felt her face burn at the sudden interrogation. Had she hoped that her peers would experience a severe case of amnesia overnight? Yes. Had that happened? Clearly not.

"Er -" she slowly scooted away "- I'm late for breakfast."

And before they could pester her with more questions, she grabbed Hermione by the hand and ran for the portrait hole. Once they reached it, they wasted no time entering the corridor.

Hermione frowned. "That was -"

"Awful?" Liliana suggested.

"- I was thinking vile, but that works too." Hermione looked at her sister. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Liliana said, though her face was still warm with embarrassment. "Let's just get breakfast."

Hermione didn't argue, and Liliana was eternally grateful for it. She couldn't wait to reach the Great Hall and disappear behind a big goblet of pumpkin juice. And as they reached the grand oak doors, it looked like she wasn't the only one in desperate need of a goblet to hide behind.

There were a lot of voices speaking at once:

"There, look."


"Next to the tall kid with the red hair."

"Wearing the glasses?"

"Did you see his face?"

"Did you see his scar?"

Whispers echoed off the high walls. Liliana passed the students who'd been pointing and peering from behind others, ignoring as they took second glances at her. And then, she saw the cause of it all: Harry Potter.

He was pressed up against the wall, as though hoping to disappear. Ron stood by him, staring down at a piece of parchment. Liliana assumed it was his timetable based off the wary look on his face.

(discontinued) potentia animi ; harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now