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❦︎ 𝐎𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔  𝐎𝒇  𝐑𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭  𝐕ℯ𝓈𝓉𝒾ℊℯ𝓈 ❦︎

YOU die,
HE dies,
THEY die.

But "YOU" care about "HE"
"HE" whom "YOU" can't save no matter what "YOU" do.

As for "HE"
"HE" always regretted not being able to do something to save "YOU".

"THEY" actually didn't care,
It was not their place to care for "YOU" AND "HE".

"THEY" went on with their life as "THEY" would normally,
"THEY" exist to be Mob and Supporting characters in BOTH of your lives.
"THEY" are just their to be what "THEY" have to be.

"YOU" care for "THEY".
"YOU" care for "HE".
"YOU" don't have any desire to even think of "YOU".

When "YOU" are gone,
"HE" feels empty.
"THEY" feel unforeseen emotions.

"EVERYONE" is present,
"YOU" are absent.

"YOU" are smiling.

"HE" is just standing,
Blankly staring,
At nothing.

"THEY" are crying,
Asking "YOU" Why!
"THEY" are not themselves anymore!
Why? Do "THEY" not feel like characters.

"YOU" are smiling,
"YOU" are shrinking,
"YOU" are fading,
"YOU" kept on living...

With that Smiling face
And faded without any trace.

"THEY" wanted to bring "YOU" back.

"HE" volunteered to bring "YOU" back.

"HE" understood "YOU" then,

Only when "HE" tried to make "YOU" Seen.

"HE" didn't agonize anymore.

"HE" knew "YOU" are further distance more.

"HE" just needed to find "YOU",

The "YOU" who has faded,

The "YOU" who was jaded,

The "YOU" who beamed like a light,

The "YOU" who made "HE" banish his inner night.

The "YOU" who "EVERYONE" loves,

The "YOU" who would greet "EVERYONE",

Once the door is opened,

The "YOU" shrunk to a child's height,

Would look innocent with marble eyes.

And say 'I'm home' to "EVERYONE",

That's what "HE" desires,

As "HE" doesn't write the final Chapter.

Because "HE" wants "YOU" to be the Writer.

Not a Sacrificer.

Art credit: @roventus in Twitter

||Feelings that remained Unsaid||(One Shots) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora