Chapter 5

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"You what?"

Hayabusa was packing his things in his room when Hideyoshi came in uninvited. After a day of acting like strangers, Hideyoshi finally recollect himself and act like his brother again. Only this time, he was surprised to see his brother packing his things as if he was to run away.

"No, I'm not running away, Hideyoshi," Hayabusa rolled his eyes at Hideyoshi's remarks. It didn't stop his curious brother to keep asking though. "Then, why are packing your clothes? Did father send you on a faraway mission? Wait, your mission hasn't started yet. Even if it did, a ninja should bring that much thing for their mission-"

SHIK! Hayabusa deliberately sheathed his sword with a loud noise to mute Hideyoshi. He then gave him a silencing glare, which works efficiently. He sighed before he began explaining. "Master Kazu and Master Tsugu had made an agreement. Hanabi and I will participate in a ninja exchange program, or whatever," he said before finishing the last bits of his packing.

Hideyoshi's eyes widened in surprise. "An exchange program? That means..." He trails off, letting Hayabusa finishes the rest. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going to be training in the Scarlet Sect as their disciple and vice versa to Hanabi," he tied his bag tight and tried lifting it, making sure it won't fall. Then he looked over to Hideyoshi, expecting a reply.

"So you'll take her room, and she'll take yours?" He asked. Hayabusa shook his head almost immediately. "Gods, no! They have special rooms for us. I can always come back here during breaks," he said, and sighed as if relieved that he dragged himself from any suspicion. "If you have nothing else to say, then I'm going."

Hayabusa carried all his things outside and began walking to the spot where he had promised to meet with Hanabi. From that day onwards, the moment they exchanged place, their entire world would change as well. Hanabi would learn the way of the Shadow, while Hayabusa would learn the way of the Scarlet. As much as he hates to leave, this program feels much better than having to marry Hanabi. He agreed right away the moment he heard it from Master Tsugu back then.

Hideyoshi followed him close, ignoring the eyes of other ninjas that were locked on Hayabusa and his things. They murmured something inaudible to themselves, but the two brothers paid no attention to them. "When will you have breaks?" Hideyoshi asked as he kept up with Hayabusa. "Don't know. Probably every six or four months," he continued walking forward.

He heard Hideyoshi's low mumble, "Hopefully it'll be four," and let out an airy chuckle. He knew Hideyoshi's going to miss him when he's not there, and as much as he wouldn't like to admit it, he'll definitely miss Hideyoshi as well. Don't fret, Hayabusa. You're just going to change sides for education. What's so hard about that? Hayabusa tried his best to convince himself. However, he feels his own voice forming a lump in his throat.

He knew that the Scarlet Sect and its disciples are basically their neighbors, but somehow, Hayabusa can't shake off his nervousness. The Shadow Sect doesn't mingle a lot with their friends next door, and it's all thanks to their different mindset. It dawns on Hayabusa that his father was indeed right; their differences had somehow pulled them apart.

He didn't know how well he's going to be tolerated in the Scarlet Sect. They are different like the sky and earth, even though both are ninjas' sect. While the Shadow Sect focuses more on understanding ninjutsu and linking them to their abilities, the Scarlet Sect had been known to focus more on the knowledge and usage of various weapons. Physically, the Scarlet Sect disciples are stronger; while mentally, it would be the Shadow Sect disciples.

Hayabusa unconsciously gulped at the thought. He holds a certain reputation to both sects thanks to him being the son of Shadow Sect's Master. He fears that he will not reach their expectations and fulfill their image of him. Fear. He never thought he would have such a feeling towards how others' would perceive him. Usually, he doesn't mind even if others talked behind his back. But those were his friends, his clanmates. This one is different, he thought.

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