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Hello there! If you came from my first book, welcome back! Thank you for staying and giving me support until this very moment. If not because of all of you kind people, I would never managed to make a second book. So again, big thanks!

For the brand new readers, welcome! Thank you for choosing my book out of all the amazing books out there in Wattpad. As a beginner in writing, I will continue to strive for the better and supply everyone with the best writing possible. I wish to grow more as a writer and I hope that all of you can be my witnesses. Let's grow together, shall we? :)

Yet again, I want to apologize early for any issues about this book that might occur in the future. I might not be able to update regularly on specific dates and this book might even go for weeks without any updates, so I want to sincerely apologize for that. Still, I wish for everyone to give me a chance and stay, even for a while. I would really appreciate your support!

Then, without further ado; the first chapter!

Love, author <3

Sealed - Kagura x Hayabusa (Hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now