Chapter 3

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The sun rises early in the Shadow Scarlet Village. As half of the sun reveals itself over the mountain peaks, Hayabusa was already prepared to go train in the forest. He wore his casual shinobi outfit and carry his weapons before leaving the sect.

"Hayabusa!" Suddenly his brother called.

Hayabusa turned around, watching as Hideyoshi jogged towards him. A beautiful smile blooms from his eyes. "Where are you going?" He asked eagerly. Hayabusa answered, "To the forest, as usual. Why'd you ask?"

A familiar aura crept into their surrounding. Hayabusa knew this aura very well, and he felt uneasy about it. "Are you coming with me again?" He asked. Knowing that his little brother would've understood, Hideyoshi patted his brother on the shoulder, eyes closed as he smiled. "I don't want you to be alone. Plus, I planned on doing something else today!" He let out an excited tone. A tone that Hayabusa definitely did not favor.

"What now, Hideyoshi?" Hayabusa asked, rolling his eyes. Hideyoshi gestured for Hayabusa to wait, before he disappeared using his ninjutsu. A moment later, he re-appeared again, this time, two fishing rods and a basket were in his hands.

Hayabusa furrowed his eyebrows. "What...are these?" He asked even though he knew exactly what those are. Hideyoshi hand the basket directly towards Hayabusa's face. "We're going fishing today!" He exclaimed, and dropped the basket just right for Hayabusa to catch.

Before his little brother could even object, Hideyoshi already led the way. Hayabusa sighed, knowing that once Hideyoshi made up his mind, one can only obey and follow.

~ ~ ~

"I can hear the sound of river from here," Hideyoshi cupped his hand on his ear, pointing towards the source of the flowing river. He then excitedly hop between the stony pathway, his spirit soaring above the sky. He always love fishing, next to his love for flowers. Hayabusa meanwhile, can only force himself to tag along, knowing that there is no way out of his brother's request.

Soon enough, they stumbled across a river with crystal water, flowing peacefully. The river is shallow enough for the two brothers to see its bottom. Hideyoshi spot a place just by the riverbank and settled himself on the ground, before patting the empty spot beside him for Hayabusa to sit.

Hayabusa dragged his heavy feet and plopped down beside his brother. He hand one of the fishing rod towards Hideyoshi, and Hideyoshi continued to place a bait on the rod's hook. With an elegant swing, he spun the rod's string above his head before throwing it into the water; little to no ripples appear.

"I wonder what kind of fish we'll catch today," Hideyoshi looked over at his fishing rod before turning his head to see Hayabusa. Hayabusa was still holding his rod in his hands, still not moving a single muscle on his body. That is until, Hideyoshi nudged Hayabusa on his elbow. "Hey! Are you going to place a bait or not?" He asked, eagerness in his voice.

Hayabusa gave his brother a long stare. "Hideyoshi, why do I have to do this again? You know fishing is not really my thing," Hayabusa was about to hand the fishing rod on his hand back to his brother before Hideyoshi stopped him. "Hey, it's not just about fishing. Look at the other side. Fishing is also some kind of training."

Hayabusa did not understand. "Since when does a training become so boring?" He asked, and Hideyoshi knocked his head. Hayabusa winced in pain before Hideyoshi explained. "If you think this is boring, then you're definitely failing the most important criteria of being a ninja." Hideyoshi extended his palm towards Hayabusa, and his little brother lazily place the fishing rod on his hand.

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