chapter 12

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My phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. I usually wouldn't pick up but I did anyway. "Hello?"

"Is this Corwin Wabba?" A female voice sang.

"Yes it is."

"We are calling to let you know that Joshua Manson has woken up."

"That's great news!" I sit up in a hurry.

"Do you have any contact with Wanda Logs?"

"Not really. Why do you ask?"

"We can't get in contact with her."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do."

"If you can't, we'll call her here in about an hour."

"Can I visit him?" I ask.

"Yes. He's stable. I would suggest only a short visit however. He still needs to rest."

"Okay," I said, hopping out of my bed. "I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and sprinted out the door. Driving seemed to take forever as I hit practically every red light possible. When I got to the hospital, I ran up to Manson's room where I found his door wide open, welcoming in visitors.

"Hey," I said quietly. Manson was lying in his hospital bed, eating a small bowl of fruit. "How you doing?"

"I feel like an elephant sat on my head." My lips turn upward in a smile. At least he could still make jokes. "How are you doing, Wabba?"

"Better now that you are awake."

"How long was I out?"

"About a week."

"A week? Have they invented flying cars in that time?"

I laugh, "If only," I glance over to his shoulder. "How's that feel?"

"Like I got shot," he laughs. "In all seriousness it doesn't hurt all that bad. Then again I'm on a ton of pain killers," Manson stuffed a grape in his mouth.

"Have they told you when you can get released?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at the earliest."

"Glad to have you back bud," I smiled and snatched a pineapple from Manson's bowl.

Thanks," he chuckled. "So. What have I missed?"

"Well we lost against the Devils yesterday," I sigh. I wrack my brain for something else to tell him, but the only thing popping up in my head is Lincoln Logs. I can't bring that up of course though. Not only is she a fan, but she's also Manson's cousin. I severely doubted that was an appropriate thing to bring up right now.

"Is that all?" Manson questioned.

"That is all you need to know right now." I shifted on my feet. What else was I supposed to say? "Can I get you anything?" I offered.

"Nah, I'm good. My parents were in earlier. They took care of everything."

"Oh, cool. I was told that your aunt and cousin might come."


"Amara and Wanda?"

"Oh yeah, I don't know them that well."

"They briefly mentioned that." I glance at the clock in the corner of the room. "Practice is soon. I better go. Do you want me to swing by after practice?"

"Oh what I wouldn't give to be back on the ice."

"Take it one step at a time. You don't want to rush it."

The Crowd That Kept Us Apart // colorado avalancheWhere stories live. Discover now