chapter 11

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I didn't say much else during the interview. EJ answered questions. I didn't want to be there and he knew.

"Wabba, can you tell us what happened with Manson?" a guy in the back asked.

"Um well," I started.

"Let's not ask questions about that please," EJ stepped in.

"But we are dying to know just give us an update?" Another person stepped in.

"Look, I don't know anymore than you, if Wabba doesn't want to talk to us about it he shouldn't have to talk to you guys about it," EJ said in a surprisingly calm voice. I gave him a half hearted smile. "Any more questions?" When no one answered, that was our cue to leave.

"You really didn't have to do that back there," I told EJ on our way back to the locker room.

"Yes I did, those interviewers are stupid sometimes. They need to be put in their place." I laughed. We turned the corner and the Lexus Club was open.

"Weird they usually close it by now," EJ stated.

"Wabba! Can you please come sign my jersey?" a little boy asked. I smiled at him as I walked over. Anxiety started to creep up. "Can I get a picture too?"

"Of course!" The boy's father took his phone out and I leaned forward and gave the best smile I could.

"Thank you!" the boy's dad said to me as I was walking away. I looked back and nodded my head with a smile.

"Hey Wabba," a sweet soft voice said. It was Lincoln. I paused in my spot. She was staring at me and I was staring at her. She held up a jersey. It wasn't new and I had already signed it. "Can you just draw a smiley face?" she asked me. I didn't move, I started to hyperventilate. EJ took notice when he was signing a jersey.

"Hey you ok?" he asked. I shook my head. Everything seemed to spin around me. Something was going to happen. That dream was a warning. I could feel it. "Come on let's go," EJ took my arm and lead me down the hall.

I didn't look back at Lincoln, but I could feel her watching me. I walked away quickly, desperate to get out. But something came over me.

"EJ you go ahead I'll catch up. I need to do something." I turned around and almost sprinted down the hall. I didn't know what came over me, but the thought of leaving Lincoln behind like that seemed impossible. I burst through the Lexus Club doors, searching for the one specific person I couldn't find. Fans bombarded me with questions to sign things or take photos. I waved them off with a mission on my mind. "Doug, I need your help," I asked one of the bartenders that I knew. "Do you know Amara?"

"Yeah. The one who's always walking around with candy?"

I hesitate. I've never noticed if she was. "Um...yes?"

"She was at the stand in the front grabbing some of the chocolate gold coins. I think she went out to the parking lot."

I didn't hesitate to sprint out of there. I burst out the door. Cold wind hit me in the face. I spotted two blonds to my left walking across the street to the parking lot. I ran.

"Amara!" I called. She swung around, confused. "I need to talk to you."

"Wabba? What in the world?" she asked. Her friend, who was stuffing her face with chocolate, was even more confused.

"Hello," she said awkwardly, waving at me.

I hesitated. The girl smiled at me, but looked completely clueless about who I was. "Uh, hi."
"What are you doing out here?" Amara asked, her eyes wide. I didn't miss the fact that her hand was fidgeting with her Lexus Club bracelet. I didn't think twice before I engulfed her in a hug.

The Crowd That Kept Us Apart // colorado avalancheWhere stories live. Discover now