Jeff turns and starts walking towards the door, Talay turns and looks at him as he walks.

Talay: I hope you organize well and that it's not too late.

Jeff doesn't say anything, Jeff goes to his house, enters the bedroom and looks on the bed, he remembers something that happened a few months ago.


Barcode: Calm down, I'm here... I'll take care of you...( Jeff just woke up from a nightmare again, Barcode had gone to visit Jeff's house but ended up sleeping at his house because of the heavy rain, with lightning strikes, Barcode grabbing Jeff from the side and hugging him, stroking his hair from behind with one hand ) ... I know you're scared .... but you'll never be alone from now on ... I'll be with you until dawn, I'll be by your side watching over your dreams, my love I'm right here... I'll hold you until you feel better...

I will hold you until you feel better

I will hold you until you feel better

Jeff stops remembering.

Let a tear fall, phrase repeating in the mind several times.

In the dark of his bedroom, Jeff has just realized that Barcode is too important to him.

Jeff: I should have known that in the dark I'm too dumb to see you...

Barcode still didn't go to his house, he went to the sea, looking in the dark at what the sea was at the moment, hugging himself and remembering.


Smiles sounds

Barcode and Jeff are walking in the middle of the fair, Barcode smiling he saw a couple holding hands in front of him, Barcode stopped smiling a little, wanting to do the same but at the moment he thought he shouldn't, Jeff saw what happened, slowly jeff grabs in Barcode's hand and interlaces both hands, Barcode looks sideways saw jeff looking forward without looking at him, surprised at what Jeff just did stopped being surprised, smiled happily when he felt both hands intertwined and doing the same as the couple in front of the two.

Barcode and Jeff after having the conversation in front of the fireworks, after Barcode gives him a kiss on the cheek, Jeff starts walking, Barcode follows behind smiling, suddenly Barcode stops and widens his eyes.

Two soft lips touching each other.

Jeff just surprise kisses Barcode by turning quickly and grabbing the side of his face grabbing his jaw with just one hand, kisses gently, rolls his lips just once and lets go, looks into Barcode's surprised eyes.

Jeff: That's for the surprise kiss on the cheek.

Jeff turns his back giving a smirk as soon as he turns around, Barcode remains silent and very surprised with Jeff.

The two go to the beach with Talay as soon as they leave the fair, is night, but the sea and wet sand can be seen clearly, Talay was behind the two talking on the phone with Jesse, Barcode is smiling and playing with putting footprints in the sand, Jeff with both hands in his pocket looking at him smiling a little without showing that he is smiling because of Barcode's happiness looking like a child.

Barcode grabs both of Jeff's hands suddenly and pulls him talking at the same time.

Barcode: Come play with me too P'jeff... It's fun...

Jeff: Wait, you're going to drop me by pulling me like this... I don't feel like it.

Two days pass

Falling rain

The Past|JeffBarcodeWhere stories live. Discover now