Chapter 22 - Another Heartbreak

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Keshav's POV 

Throughout the marriage function, Siddharth tried to speak to Aarav, but Aarav didn't comply. As soon as Aarav saw Siddharth, Aarav attempted to leave the marriage function, but upon my and Meera's insistence, Aarav stayed a little longer but refused to speak to Siddharth. I tried to avoid Siddharth as much as possible, as whatever Siddharth did to Aarav was wrong. 

Throughout the marriage function, I observed Meera, the girl who was my world once upon a time. I keep telling myself I don't care anymore, but I still do. I keep telling myself I've moved on, but I haven't. I tell myself not to smile when I see her, but I can't help it. Really could I try to forget our past? Did my decisions and choices turn out to be harsh on Meera? We had something special, and we adored one another. Our love was something I'd never forget, even if it weren't everlasting. 

Just as the official wedding rituals ended, Aarav and I went to congratulate the bride and the groom. There on the stage were Meera and her family. Meera looked at me as if she would pierce my soul, but I ignored her, greeted her parents, and introduced myself as Meera's neighbour in Bangalore. Meera didn't like how I greeted her parents, but who cares?  Both uncle and aunty seemed very sweet and spoke to me kindly. 

A few minutes later, I caught Meera standing outside the wedding venue by herself; how could I not utilise this opportunity? So, I approached Meera and stood next to her. As soon as Meera saw me, she turned to leave, but I caught hold of her right hand. 

"Leave me, Keshav. If not, I will scream! Don't create a scene!" Meera said angrily 

"Ok, ok sorry. But please, spare a few minutes and talk to me?" I asked 

"What the hell do you want now, Keshav?" 

"Meera, I'm sorry," I said, mustering the very little courage I had 

"Sorry for what, Keshav?  I always the wrong one, weren't I? So shouldn't I be the one apologising?" Meera asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Meera, I acted that way that day because I felt betrayed. But today, when I think about it, I feel stupid. I feel stupid for not being able to take a joke and mostly for letting you go. Meera, can't we ..." Before I could finish my sentence, Meera made me pause. 

"I used to be the person that no matter how bad one hurt me, I'd still be there for them, but I realised that shit has to stop because that's how you allow people to take advantage of you and let people continuously step all over you. I will not be that person anymore, never again. 

And I'm sure that 

Someday I will stop looking for you in a crowded room,

Stop hoping that you texted me,

stop looking at every aisle in the grocery store,

stop watching every moving car closely,

stop picturing me and you in an everyday situation,

stop wondering whether you would laugh about the same things,

stop comparing everyone to you, 

someday I'll be over you, and you'll be a distant memory." 

Meera told me, tearing my heart into a million little pieces. I was starting to experience whatever Meera had experienced from me over a year, the day I rejected her. 

After that incident, I felt depressed. I wanted to go home as soon as possible, but before I could leave the venue, Siddharth approached me and tried to ignite a conversation.

"Siddharth, our friendship ended the day you married Chandini. Now go and fuck off." I told him, annoyed; I was already pissed off from the incident with Meera. 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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