Chapter 7

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Author's POV.....

His black orbs were fixed on hers. "Chandini" Aarav whispered when he saw her in front of him. Aarav was completely blown out by surprise, Chandini was praying tightly, holding her hands together, closing her eyes. Chandini's face glowed in the lights. It has been a year since he saw her. The girl he wanted to see desperately is in front of him now. When Chandini opened her eyes, she smiled looking at the God's sculpture but that smile immediately vanished when she saw Aarav.

For a second, Aarav had to turn his gaze to Keshav when he asked him something but nothing Keshav said registered in Aarav's head at that moment and within that second, Chandini disappeared.

Aarav stood there blankly. His heart was racing to see Chandini. Aarav immediately looked around the temple to find his Chandini but she was nowhere to be seen. Aarav walked back in disappointment to where Siddharth's wedding was going to take place. Aarav was stunned to see her there again. She was sitting and was looking down trying to hide her face. As Aarav approached her, he could feel his victory of eventually finding her. When Aarav stood in front of her, she lifted her head and immediately rose. This time Aarav noticed that she was dressed in a white and red saree which Aarav had once gifted her looking stunning. To match it, Chandini was wearing some wedding ornaments. This made Aarav suspicious.

Over the time he hasn't seen her, she has become so lean and mature, looking different to how she was a year ago.

"Chandini" Aarav managed to say after staring at her for a brief period.

"No, you have mistaken," Chandini replied.

"I am not mistaken Chandini. How can I ever forget you?" Aarav asked Chandini, choking in between his sentences.

"Aarav, what do you want? Will you not leave me at peace, even on my wedding day?" Chandini asked as her eyes got moist.

"Wedding?" Aarav was shaken. He was struggling to digest the fact that Chandini is getting married today.

"Didn't we end it all over a year ago? Then why?" She asked

"Chandini seeing you today was a coincidence. I came here for my friend's marriage" that's when it hit Aarav. Was Siddharth the one who's marrying Chandini?

"Are you getting married to Siddharth?" Aarav said with a lot of confidence even though he was breaking from the inside.

"YES," Chandini said under her breath but loud enough for Aarav to hear. That piece of information broke Aarav completely. He was shocked and broken beyond repair.

Siddharth knew very well about his relationship with Chandini and not once did he mention that he was going to marry Chandini. Aarav did not know how he was feeling at this moment... Was he feeling betrayed? Hurt or what? 'That is the reason he kept the name and the photo of his fiancé a secret' he thought.

"Look Aarav, whatever there was between us ended one year ago. I have moved on, guessing you have moved on as well. Let's not get into each other's way in the next chapter of our lives. It would be a massive favour if you could not attend mine and Siddharth's wedding as well" Chandini said, tearing Aarav's already torn heart.

"Sure, Chandini sure," Aarav said and walked away. As Aarav walked away, he wiped the tears that were falling like rain drops.

His friend Keshav, who heard this, hugged Aarav and encouraged him to be strong but Aarav broke down completely in front of his friend. "Some say it's painful to wait for someone. Some say it is painful to forget but the worst pain comes when you don't know whether to wait or forget them. At least I won't have to go through that sort of pain anymore right?" Aarav asked his friend but Keshav did not reply. He just hugged his friend very tightly.

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