Chapter 8

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After the blackness of night, Earth's star rose on the horizon, spreading its gold rays in every direction. It comes in a way that natural forces do, needing no invitation. The light is her gift, bold and free, for anyone who cares to open their eyes in the dawn and watch the world awake. This is our sun, a fire ignited to bring warmth to the creation and inspire us to seek our beauty within.

After a peaceful night's sleep, Sakshi opened her eyes, once Sakshi adjusted her eyes to the bright light coming through the window, she looked around at the unfamiliar room.

"Where am I?" Sakshi muttered to herself. Sakshi slowly got out of the bed with a throbbing headache and slowly opened the door to her room in a puzzled manner. The living room and kitchen looked familiar to Sakshi but still strange..

"Good morning Miss Sakshi. Want coffee or tea?" Keshav asked

"How come I am here?" Sakshi asked

"You were not in your senses yesterday as you were heavily drunk. Your ex-husband collected you from the bar but apparently, you've lost your keys so Aarav said you can stay here for the night. That is how you ended up here dear" Keshav said.

"What? Nikhil dropped me here?" Sakshi shouted but immediately regretted as her head started pounding.

"Yes, I think that was his name." Keshav answered

"OH SHIT!" Sakshi accidentally said. "Sorry!" she said immediately when she saw Keshav looking at her awkwardly.

"Good morning Sakshi," said another voice.

"Aarav and Keshav I'm so sorry for being a nuisance. I'm sure the keys to my flat are in the bag. I'll quickly find it and go back" Sakshi said, feeling ever so embarrassed. "No rush," Aarav said but no matter how much Sakshi searched, she couldn't find her keys "Shit! Meera will kill me for losing it again! Where will I stay till Meera returns? The landlords are not even in reach either, for goodness sake!" Seeing Sakshi's panic, Aarav understood that the keys were nowhere to be found so he decided to put forward a suggestion "Sakshi, it's fine if you can't find the keys. You can stay here till Meera returns".

"No no, I don't want to trouble you and Keshav anymore. I've still got my purse, I will book a room for the week" Sakshi said.

"No need for that. You can stay with me and Keshav till Meera returns. We won't bite" Aarav replied

"But Aarav?" She was interrupted before she could continue.

"No more buts. You are staying with us and that decision is final. You can go if you want to but Keshav and I will think it as you don't trust us" Keshav interrupted. Eventually, Sakshi agreed to the gentlemen's suggestion even though she wasn't comfortable. "Aarav and I will be leaving shortly. Breakfast is in the kitchen. Just heat it ok?" Keshav explained to Sakshi. Aarav was reluctant to leave Sakshi by herself but unfortunately, Keshav didn't want to leave Aarav alone with Sakshi therefore he tagged Aarav along with him to work.

After Aarav and Keshav left, Sakshi locked the door. Her head was throbbing; the pain felt like someone had taken a knife to her skull. It is the after-effects of her alcohol consumption yesterday she thought to herself. Because the pain throbbed so violently around her skull, Sakshi settled on the sofa, resting her head on the armrest. Hours passed by but her pain did not ease one bit. When Aarav came back from work, he saw Sakshi curled on the sofa under a blanket. Thinking that she might be taking an afternoon nap, Aarav freshened himself and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Kumar did not let Keshav go home early as Keshav discouraged some of his students apparently from taking tuition in Kumar's tuition centre. Therefore, Kumar gave Keshav some pending work. That'll keep Keshav occupied for at least a few hours.

When Aarav went to the kitchen Aarav saw Sakshi's breakfast which Keshav had left for her, remained untouched. "Did she not like it? Or did she not have any breakfast?" Aarav thought to himself. After munching on some snacks, Aarav came back to the living room to see Sakshi still fast asleep. Usually, at this time, Aarav would watch the TV but because he didn't want to disturb Sakshi, he went back to his room. Sakshi woke to the door sound. Sakshi looked at the clock in shock and dismay. Sakshi couldn't believe she slept for this long. Slowly she got out of the sofa, folded the blanket and walked to the room which was allocated to her. Aarav noticed Sakshi walking to her room "Sakshi, are you okay?" Aarav asked in a concerned voice. "Just headache Aarav might be because of the alcohol" she said. "Sakshi, did you eat anything?" he asked. "No Aarav. I'm not feeling hungry" Sakshi replied.

"Do you want paracetamol?" Aarav asked but didn't wait for her reply.

"I will give you a Paracetamol tablet. Come on, eat before you take the tablet" Aarav announced.

"It is not necessary, Aarav. I just want to lie down and I don't feel like having anything" she said.

"Have something to eat, take a tablet and then sleep. Trust me helps you with the hangover" Aarav requested

Sakshi nodded her head and said a meek "yes". She couldn't even stand properly and in between she said, "Sorry for being a nuisance, Aarav."

"Sakshi, enough with your apologies, come to the kitchen, I will heat the food" Aarav said and went away to heat the food. At this moment Sakshi felt blessed to have nice people such as Aarav in her life. After Sakshi had her meal, Aarav noticed that Sakshi was still wearing her salwar from yesterday. "Do you want to change?" he asked her.

"I don't have anything else to change into..." Sakshi said hesitantly.

"I've got some spare t-shirts and shorts. If it is ok for you, wear it for now and we will buy something tomorrow" Aarav suggested. Hesitantly Sakshi nodded. Then Aarav opened his cupboard and took out a pretty new t-shirt and a pair of shorts and handed it to Sakshi, "ermm, Sakshi I haven't got any undergarments for ladies with me, if you can adjust..."

"It is fine Aarav" Sakshi replied with awkwardness, understanding very well what he meant. After that, Sakshi had a quick shower, freshened up and changed into Aarav's scent filled clothes. The clothes were a bit loose on her but still, she appreciated Aarav for giving her those clothes and Sakshi then plaited her hair and finally looked much presentable. To be honest, Sakshi felt a lot better after this.

Later on, Sakshi took another nap and woke up when Keshav returned. To make herself more useful, Sakshi decided to cook dinner today for the boys but Aarav was adamant to help out Sakshi. His reason for that was 'Sakshi's not feeling well'. To see what's happening in the kitchen, Keshav peeked through the door and saw Aarav cutting the vegetables for Sakshi and Sakshi focused on making the roti round and the perfect size. "Is there anything I can do to help his highness Aarav and Miss Sakshi?" Keshav asked in a slightly melodramatic way. "No bug off, Keshav" Aarav said in a much more dramatic way, he doesn't want Keshav to ruin his nice moments with Sakshi.

"There isn't much to do Keshav. You had a long day right? Relax and we'll serve you in a bit" Sakshi replied politely.

"Thank you, Thank you. Be careful of this idiot, he doesn't know the difference between sugar and salt. I'm sure you don't want your curry to turn sugary" Keshav jokes.

Feeling very annoyed, Aarav threw an apple at Keshav. Luckily Keshav caught it . . . 


Hello everyone,

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter :) It would mean the world to me if you can all let me know what you all think of this chapter.

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Lots of love to all

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