Chapter 5

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Author's POV...

Two Weeks Later....

The morning light trickled in through the blinds, waking Sakshi up. Rubbing her knuckles on her eyes and yawning, she got up from the bed, marched into the bathroom and did her routine. Taking a long shower, Sakshi stepped out of the bathroom, wearing her black Kurti and leggings. Drying her hair with a towel, she tied them up in a messy bun. Sakshi then went to the kitchen to see Meera making coffee for them both.

"What should I make for breakfast?" Sakshi asked Meera.

"Some toast would do for me," Meera said. Sakshi hummed in response and made toast for them both.

"Someone's moving into the flat next to us," Meera said.

"Rakesh's flat?" Sakshi asked

"Yeah, he did mention he was going to rent it the last time he visited"

"Oh, I see. So are the new tenants here then?" Sakshi asked

"Yeah I think so. I did not see them or anything but saw some stuff being moved into the flat today. So I'm assuming that they will be here soon" Meera said.

"Oh ok. Let's greet them after work today" Sakshi responded. Soon Meera had her breakfast and left early to work as she had to meet some clients whereas Sakshi set off half an hour later, at their usual time. After locking the door, Sakshi rushed down the stairs only to bump into a hard chest. Sakshi had lost her balance after tripping but luckily the person held her on time placing his hands around her waist securely. Sakshi's hands automatically came onto his chest.

As soon as Sakshi came to her senses, she noticed that it was the same guy who dropped Meera and Sakshi at their flat who just caught her as well.

"Aarav..." Sakshi said in shock "I'm sorry... I..."

"Don't worry, I caught you, I was also not looking where I was going" Aarav said, in a much softer voice.

Sakshi looked away, stood straight and mumbled a quick "thank you" to him before collecting her bags and files. Whilst Sakshi did that Aarav observed her, her loose hair falling on her face which was blocking his way to take a look at her face. "Do you live here as well?" Sakshi asked with suspicion because she asked him to drop in the main road so she didn't know how they knew the building that she was living in. "Well the lease to mine and Keshav's flat-ended a couple of days ago, we got this flat just in time," Aarav said. "Oh, you never said anything when you dropped us the other day." Sakshi replied. "Well, firstly let me apologise for being a jerk the other day, I had a little encounter with my ex and it put me in a shitty mood. So sorry for that! Also back to your question, I didn't mention anything as we saw the to-let board when we dropped you and we compared it with a few more places. This was the best place with a reasonable price and it's near to our working place too" Aarav said.

"Oh right I see, and yeah don't worry about the other day I can understand. So, are we acquaintances now?" Sakshi asked Aarav, with a wide grin.

"Haha, I guess we are. Which is your flat?" Aarav asked curiously.

"Ermm 6A and yours?" Sakshi replied.

"I guess we are not just acquaintances but also neighbours as we just moved into 6B" he said, chuckling and also with a surprise about the co-incidence.

"Oh so you are the one who moved into Rakesh's flat, that's great actually," Sakshi said

"Yup, so we are neighbours!" Both said in unison and chuckled.

"To be honest, I knew I was going to bump into you or your friend, one or the other day so that I could apologise to you as I thought we stayed in the same road but I never thought you'd be staying in this building" Aarav said.

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