Bonus Chapter 4

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Abbi's POV

I have been waiting nervously in the van. I didn't want to wait there and do nothing to get my baby back.

Once she noticed the guy in the van wasn't paying attention to me but on the footage of the drone he was flying following that monster I grew up with, I sneaked out of the Van.

Making my way carefully into the park, I saw Andras. I was filled with rage and hate towards the man I once called dad. I immediately charged towards him without thinking, holding him by his collar.

"Where is my daughter? Where did you keep my baby?" I yelled, gripping him tightly and pulling him by his collar.

"Oh Abigail my dear daughter, I see you found me. ..But it was foolish of you to come here on your own." He sneered, noticing no one was with me.

Fear crept into me as I remembered all he put me through while growing up. He's so evil that he'll not even think twice about doing the same to my baby.

"Now you'll have to die with your pathetic baby."

"Where the hell is my child, what did you do to her?" he grabbed my hand, yanking it off his collar, and twisting it behind my back while I wince in pain as I desperately try to free myself from his grip.

"Don't worry my dear Abigail, your daughter is doing well," he taunted, his voice filled with nothing but hate and greed. "But if you want to see her again. You'll do exactly as I ask you.

He held a knife out of his pocket against my neck "Now start walking," he said, pushing me forward when I refused to move.

"You really think you could enjoy life while I suffer? You're just like your parents. I should have killed you long ago like I killed them. You've brought nothing but trouble to me.,"

His words cut through me like a knife. He killed my parents! I've been living with the man who murdered my parents, calling him Dad.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to me, Andras? What did I ever do to you to deserve this treatment?" I asked in tears.

"You did everything, but the fault is mainly your mother. If only she had married me just as I planned after killing that good-for-nothing husband of hers, and willed her property to me rather than to that friend of hers, we wouldn't be here. I would have been living my life to the fullest rather than be in this garbage of a place," he spat, hate evident in his voice.

"The only reason I kept you alive in the first place is so that I could get the money your mom left for your school. I had to waste some of that money sending you to school so I could keep on getting money from your trust fund,"

"But that doesn't matter. That stupid friend of your mother thinks she can fool me? In her dreams,' he scoffed "She actually sent someone here to buy you and gave me just 200 million after letting you live all these years? But not to worry. Everything will fall into place soon. Then you can meet your pathetic family in hell."

"Grab the handle and open the door," Andras said to me and I did as I was told. Regret built up inside me that I didn't listen to Eric. I wonder if they've gotten out with Claribel. I just want them to be safe.

As i climbed down the ladder, I heard grunts from Andras like he was struggling. "You're under arrest," Relief washed over me as I heard that voice. I had forgotten we came with officers. I was glad that he was arrested.

Eric's POV

"Do something! Get her away from that man. I whispered fearfully to Mark and the officers beside him.

"Calm down sir, we'll definitely get her," one of the officers assured me.

I was running out of patience. I can't just let that man take her like that. I was still thinking of what could be possibly done to get her away from him when I noticed an officer give a signal.

I looked over to where his focus was and saw that there was an officer right behind Andras. Before Andras could go down to the basement, the officer sneaked up behind him and knocked him over, making his knife fall away from him. "You're under arrest Mr. Andras Williams," the officer said, twisting his hands to his back and putting handcuffs on him.

Abbi came out of the basement crying, with James and the other officer following behind. The rest of the officers came out of position, gathering Andras and walking him to the van. Once Abbi saw me and our baby, she rushed over to me, pulling us in a hug.

"I'm sorry, I should have listened to you," she sobbed.

"It's alright my love. It's alright. Everything is alright now. See, Claribel is right here." I handed our baby to Abbi to hold.

After seconds of holding Claribel, Abbi's expression changed. "W-why isn't she making any sound?" 

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