Chapter 27: Pay Back

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Abbi's POV

I was about to say something but stopped when I saw pictures of myself on all five screens in the lobby. These were not just pictures of me. The pictures were of me forcing myself on Eric which I could not understand because I could swear with my life that this scene had never transpired between us.

It wasn't until I saw one of me kissing him while he was asleep I understood what was going on and who was behind it.

Abygale. That freaking devil.

How could she go this far? She even went as far as editing so many photos in just one night. I should have expected this from her, I should have known better.

I was getting a lot of hate glares from the girls while older women sent me the ' you should be ashamed of yourself glare'. I didn't even know how to feel. I decided to go to my office first. While walking towards the elevator, someone grabbed my hair and pulled forcefully.

"How dare you seduce and force yourself on a married man? How dare you!" The lady said while pulling my hair.

After a while, she was pulled off by one of the security officers. I was so shocked and in pain.

Just then, the master behind it all came to me and landed a slap on my cheek.

"You think you're all that don't you? I'm waiting to see how you'll stop me from working here. Bitch." Abygale slapped me and smirked before leaving.

How dare she! I seethed in anger. I stormed out of the office and immediately got a cab home.

I threw my bag on the bed and went to shower. Those people didn't just throw cold water on me, they threw flour on me as well.

I looked like a big kid who just finished playing with the whole flour in the kitchen.

I took a shower and started thinking of what to do. I've been too feisty for some weeks now but I couldn't care less about it.

Eric won't have reached by now. My stomach growled and I went to find something in the kitchen to eat.

I found crackers in one of the cupboards and decided to eat them. It hasn't even been up to two hours since I ate breakfast. It's like my appetite is becoming bigger by the day. After eating a few crackers and digesting it with chocolate tea, I rushed into the restroom and threw up everything in my belly.

"Not again." I sighed. I've been throwing up for a couple of days now but I didn't let Eric know about it. If he did, he would have forced me to go get checked and I don't like going to the hospital.

I rinsed my mouth and came out of the restroom. I picked up the leftover crackers and put them in the fridge while I poured out the remaining tea in the sink.

I was so pissed remembering what happened in the office. I needed to teach her a lesson but I didn't know how to. I called Lau and Tess but they were both busy and not in town. So I decided to call Lisa. Just then, my phone rang and it was Lisa.

"Abbi! Are you okay? OMG. I just arrived at the office and saw what happened." She said before I could even say anything.

"I'm sending you my address now. I want you to come there immediately." I said and cut the call.

In less than an hour, she arrived and gave me a hug. "What do you mean by you saw what happened?" i questioned, letting her in.

"Your pictures are on every social media platform as well as a video of water and flour being poured on you. The comment section is really horrible. Everyone's calling you names Abbi. I fear something bad might happen to you if any of those obsessed online girls see you,"

"That's why I called you here. I want you to help me get my revenge." I said seriously.

She looked at me like I had gone crazy.

"You want revenge?" She asked as if making sure she heard me well.

"Yes. It was all Abygale doing and I want her to pay for it. She said she was waiting to see how I'll stop her from working in the office, and I'll do just that." I said.

She looked at me again like she was trying to get a grasp of what I said.

"Are you okay Abby?" She asked, trying to feel my temperature,

"Cause you don't really sound like the Abbi I know." She said, Trying to figure something out.

"Quit that Lisa. Are you helping me or not?" I asked.

She smiled sheepishly and nodded her head in response.


Lisa will definitely be so disappointed when she sees me today. She spent a lot of time selecting that bossy outfit for me to wear for my revenge today. I wanted to wear something I was free and comfortable in and that outfit wasn't it.

I let out a heavy sigh and walked into the office.

I could see the disappointment on Lisa's face and I immediately gave her my 'I'm sorry' look.

I could hear murmurs around me and I knew I was the topic of their discussion. I then laid my eyes on the vixen and was so happy I saw her here in the lobby. I walked up straight to her and gave her a sounding slap on her left cheek: a return for yesterday's slap. And another on her right cheek: for spreading rumors.

She gave me a death glare after recovering from the slap. Before she could say something, I reached inside my bag, brought out the envelope, and flung it to her face.

"You. Are. Fired." I said looking her dead right in the eyes.

She burst out laughing obviously thinking I was joking.

" what gave you the right to fire me? you're forgetting that you are just an ordinary employee here." She said, too full of herself.

"Tks, tks, tks...I advise you to go into the office, pack whatever stuff you have there, and get the hell out of my company before I ask the security to throw you out." I warned in a slightly raised volume.

My annoyance towards her was increasing and I knew It might end up in a fistfight if this was dragged out any longer.

" you think you're Mrs. Jones now... bossing me around." She mocked, poking me with her finger.

Lisa immediately came up to her slapping her hand off my shoulder. "Hey, I think she has been lenient enough. You should leave before your sorry excuse of a self is thrown out." She stared disgustingly at Abygale.

I think Abygale took it personally and raised her hand to slap her but Lisa caught her hand and gave her a slap which made her fall, making me laugh.

She has no idea who she's trying to mess with. If Damien finds out she tried to hit his woman, she's gone.

Abygale was really furious and it seems my laughing added to it. She got up from where she had fallen and pushed me hard making me fall and hit my head on the pole that was behind me. Goodness, it hurt so bad. I was starting to feel dizzy.

"How dare you laugh at me? Don't forget you're nothing but my shadow. You are at my mercy." I heard her say, her voice laced with hate. Lisa was beside me trying to help me stand back up.

"How dare you raise your hand on my wife?" An angry voice echoed in the lobby making her freeze her hand mid-air.

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