Chapter 5: JS Ltd.

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Erics POV

"Umm...which JS company is that?" I asked as I thought there might be another JS company except the one I knew. But she cleared my confusion and made it clear that the company she works at is the one I know.

"And you said you work as the secretary to the boss, right?" I asked, and she nodded her head in response.

"Which boss is it you work for?" I asked again with anticipation. I don't know what she is going to say but I did hope it was what I wanted to hear.

"I work for the CEO." As she said that, a small smile crept to my face. I didn't know exactly why, but I was happy...very happy.

"It's quite surprising right?" She asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

" I also wasn't expecting that position as I applied for a position in the HR department. But I couldn't reject the position as it was a miracle, I got hired in the first place," She said smiling.
"So how is your boss?" I asked her, wanting to know what she thinks about her boss.

"Well, I haven't met him since I started working. I was told he was on a business trip, but he will be coming tomorrow."

"You know, one interesting thing I just realized is that you both have the same first name and last name. You guys might be related, you know."

I burst out laughing after she said the last sentence. It's crazy that we only know each other for about three days now but I'm this comfortable with her.

"So, what do you do? I mean where do you work?" She asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Well, just like you, I work at a very big company," I replied.

"Which company is that?" she asked with excitement in her voice, but I wasn't going to tell her where I worked as yet.

"You'll know that tomorrow. I need to go prepare for tomorrow" I replied and left for my study room.

There were some files I needed to check so I could address them tomorrow, but I couldn't focus on them. I kept thinking about our conversation in the dining room and smiling foolishly.

I can't remember the last time I smiled so much that my cheeks hurt the way they do now. I was eagerly anticipating tomorrow.


It was already 8 AM and I was ready to leave for work. I hadn't left this compound since I came here, and I couldn't get the address of this place to determine how far

it was from work.

"How do I get to work from here?" I asked Eric when I saw him at the door.

"I'll take you there," he replied, getting into his car.

"I can go on my own. I just need the address so I can call an Uber," I replied, not wanting to drive in his car.

"And I said, I'll drop you off. It's on my way," he said, refusing to let me go on my own.

I agreed to it because I didn't know where this place was and how long it would take to get a cab now that I was running late.

The ride was quite silent but comfortable, but I don't know why I feel this comfortable with him. I did wonder what kind of company he works in to have this crazy-looking expensive car and a driver.

I checked for the time and found out it was already eight, forty-five, I was supposed to be in the office before the boss and i was told the boss would arrive five minutes before work started.

"How long is it before we get there?" I was rather scared and uneasy cause I just started this job, and I didn't want to give a bad impression by not being punctual.

"We'll soon be there". He replied.

It was already eight, forty-seven when I saw the grocery shop that was about five minutes' walk away from the company.

"Please drop me off at the bus stop," I said, pointing to the bus stop right after the grocery shop.

"But we are almost there," Eric replied.

"I know. Just let me off now," I said as he already passed the bus stop.

The last thing I want is for rumors to spread or for my colleagues to see me as a rich lady when the money in my account isn't up to one percent of what this car costs.

And besides, he needs to get to work too and it's already late. He let me off a little after I had asked him to stop but it was okay. I got out of the car and walked briskly to the office.


I watched her as she got out of the car and walked really fast towards the office...her walk was kind of funny. I thought since she was coming to work, she would wear a more fitted dress, but I guess I was wrong.

She wore a really big white shirt and...I think it's a ball skirt, (well I didn't study fashion, so I won't know what type of skirt it is) but it was long past her knees. She did look good in it but I couldn't help but feel she was hiding away under all the dresses.

The driver dropped me off at the usual spot, and as usual, I took the very long way to my office which is the only way to it, receiving greetings from the employees and stares from the ladies...I'm really tired of this. I wish there was a way to avoid going through the big hallway but there was none.

My office was right at the top center of the three businesses. Sometimes I wondered why my parents and their friend had to build three businesses that don't relate in any way together. It would have been better if the buildings were just beside each other...but what was the reason for linking all three together with a passage? I sighed inwardly as I made my way to the office.

On getting to the door of my office, I paused a little wondering how she would feel seeing me. I had no idea why I didn't tell her the truth in the first place, I stupidly wanted to surprise her after I realized that she didn't even know who I really was...silly me.

I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Abigail getting up from her sit to greet me when suddenly,

"Goodness, Eric, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work, or did you forget something?"

"My boss will be here anytime soon so please you need to leave. How did you even get here?" she poured all those questions at me without even allowing me to answer the first set. My lips curved in a smile realising how slow my wife is to not get the picture yet.

"I'm at work!" I said loud enough for her to hear and stop pouring questions at me.

"What do you mean by you're at work? Weren't you... Oh, so the big organization you work for is this one?" She said, staring at me surprised.

"That's why you didn't tell me yesterday. Oh, my goodness! What department do you work in?" She asked smiles all over her face.

"You even have the name is...E...Eric...J-J...Jones!" She gasped with her eyes wide open after realizing who I really was.

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