Chapter 28: Pregnant

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Abbi's POV

I'm sure everyone heard that voice. It held so much anger in it and it... sounded like Eric's. No one was talking anymore. All the murmurs stopped. And I guess everyone's attention was on the person who spoke.

My head was hurting too bad for me to turn and see who it was even though my heart, mind, soul, and body knew who it was.

"Gurlllll... your husband is here to save the day." Lisa squealed in my ear before helping me fully stand.

In a few seconds, he was standing next to me and his cologne wrapped around me. It's been only a day but goodness, I missed him badly.

"You dare raise your hands on my woman? What gave you that right?" He questioned, looking into the depths of her soul with anger. I've never seen him this way before. I bet no one has seen him this way before. If looks could kill, Abygale would have been long dead.

Another round of murmurs started. I guess they were wondering why he called me his woman.

"Jack!" He called the bodyguard he got himself months ago.

"Go to her desk, pack up all things that seem to belong to this thing here, and throw it out." He said.

No way did I hear right. He just called her a thing. I've never heard him insult someone before and I've never seen him this angry before but I love it. He looks so hot.

Seems like it just dawned on her what was happening and she began begging Eric to forgive her. As much as I would have loved to continue watching her beg, my body had other plans as the dizziness overtook me and I felt myself falling as my eyes closed.

Eric's POV

I freshened up and took out my laptop with just my towel on. I needed to see what my sweetheart had been up to all day. I've been calling since i arrived but got no response. There's no way I would have left her in that house all alone without looking out for her.

I clicked the footage for today. I was smiling while watching it until she returned less than an hour later covered in...powder? She was obviously mad. Restlessly, I pulled up the office footage. I had everything connected to my phone just in case.

I checked the first footage which was the lobby's. I was so furious. How dare they humiliate her like that? I closed my laptop and wore a decent outfit. I dialed the pilot's number and told him to meet me at the airport. We were flying back to London tonight.

I sent a message to Auntie Ella telling her to fill in for me in tomorrow's meeting that I had to go home due to some emergency.

My wife was treated so badly and no one could tell me anything! Why did I then hire that fool to watch over her? I was so pissed.


I exited the airport as soon as we arrived and got into the car. I had told Daniel to come pick me up...but I guess that was a mistake I made.

I should have told him to accompany Abbi to the office today cause when I got there, I saw her on the floor. That crazy girl pushed my wife. She raised her hand to hit my wife but I stopped her just in time.

She's definitely going to pay dearly for this.

I could hear murmurs around but that didn't bother me.

After telling Jack to pack the belongings of that thing, I was going to take my wife out of there when suddenly I saw her fall. Thankfully I caught her before she met the ground.

I picked her up and rushed to the clinic that's five floors above us. I was worried sick. She was taken into a room and checked.

I wonder what happened. It's probably because she hit her head. Thinking about that made my blood boil. I was really going to make sure that Willows of a girl suffers.

After about two hours of waiting, she woke up. I was so relieved when I saw her eyes open.


"Yes, it's me, my love," I answered.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Dubai?" She asked.

"Don't worry about that my love. Tell me, how do you feel?" I asked.

"I feel hungry." She said with a small smile.

"Okay. What do you want to eat?" I asked.

She mentioned some things and I wondered if she was going to eat all those together cause those combinations were weird.

"I'll go get it," i turned over to the voice and recognized the lady as the girlfriend Damian won't stop talking about.

As she left for the food, the doctor came in.

"Congratulations Mr Smith, your wife is pregnant." The doctor said,

I looked at Abbi and she looked at me...Shock both on our faces.

I should have expected this sooner or later. I mean, I've made love to her countless times without any protection.

I'm going to be a father. I couldn't believe this.

"I'm going to be a father!" I cheered in a loud whisper of disbelief. I shook the doctor's hand and then gave him a hug. I was so happy.

Before he left, he said we should see him in his office before leaving.

When he left, I moved closer to Abbi but she seemed lost. She didn't look happy about this. In all my excitement I forgot to ask if she was ready to have a child.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong? You don't look happy about this. D-don't you want the baby?" I gulped, cause if she really didn't want the baby, I wouldn't know what to do.

"What are you saying, Eric? I- it's not that I'm not happy or don't want our baby...I just... I'm...I don't..." she heaved a sigh "I don't think I'm going to be a good mother. I never. had anyone take care of me. while growing. so I fear. that. That. I won't be able to take care of our baby." She sobbed.

"Oh my love! You don't have to worry about being a good mother. I know you'll be a great mother. You may not see it now but I do and soon you'll realize that you have everything it takes to be a good mother. You're loving, caring, understanding, passionate, and lovely.

There's no way you won't be able to take care of our baby. And I'm here with you all through it. We also have Mom and Dad, and others that will be willing to help us out. You don't have to worry about that my love. Okay?" I said to her in a hug.

Her stomach growled and she giggled. Just then, Lisa came in with what she bought.

"I'm sorry I took so long. It was hard getting some of these." She sighed,

I took them out of her hands and fed my hungry wife.

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