Chapter eight

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"Luna!" A voice echoed from outside the girls' bedroom door. She had no idea what time it was, although the painful brightness in her room suggested it was already around midday. She huffed, burying her head under her duvet and rolling over.
"Luna Fernandez if you don't let me in in 5 seconds I'm coming in myself," The voice called once more, this time a little more stern. She furrowed her eyebrows, opening one brown eye from under the duvet. It wasn't Enzo's voice.
"Mason, go away," She yawned, shaking her head. But seconds later, the door clicked open and footsteps got nearer.
"Good, so you're still alive," Mason smirked, standing at the foot of the bed with his arms folded.
"You won't be if you don't leave me to sleep," Luna removed the duvet from her head, flopping her arms over her stomach as she rested her head back on the pillow. Mason giggled adorably, shaking his head.
"You don't mean that," he told her, his eyes locking with hers.
"Why are you even up here?" Luna eventually replied. Mason shrugged.
"Just wanted to check you're alright," He told her, sitting himself on the end of her bed, his hand resting on her ankles through the duvet causing a fluttering in her stomach. Who knew why.
"Did Enzo send you?" Luna questioned further.
"No, I genuinely just wanted to check you're alright," he laughed. She stared at his chocolate brown eyes momentarily, sensing a genuine source of kindness in them.
"I feel sick," Luna huffed, causing Mason to giggle once more.
"You really did drink all your sorrows away last night, didn't ya?" He recollected.

Memories flooded his brain of the night before - the rounds of shots, each one leading to a slightly more tipsy group than before, half the group dispersing into the dance floor, the rest to the bar.
"Can I have a double vodka and coke?" Luna shouted over the music to the man behind the bar.
"You're still going?!" Mason giggled, approaching her from behind. He had this weird feeling, like a sense, that she was slowly losing herself, and her pain, through drink. And while it was great for her for the night, it was concerning from an outside point of view for her safety.
"I like the way it feels, my brain feels happy," Luna smiled, jumping round to wrap her arms around her new friends neck, causing him to fall back slightly, before giggling and holding his warm hands around her back. She clung onto him for a while, Mason deeply inhaling the scent of her hair as she rested between his shoulder and his neck. He pulled her tighter.
"Your brain deserves to feel happy, Lu," He told her in her ear, his warm breath sending shivers down her skin. A feeling that no amount of alcohol could mask.
"Maybe one day. But for now, let's just enjoy tonight," Luna pulled away, her hands clutched at the back of his neck, her index finger circling the skin at the nape of his head, goosebumps forming on Mason. He lowered his hands to her waist, still holding her tight as he did.
"I'll make sure of it," He smirked.
"Oi, Mase, Luna, come and dance! I just requested that sick song!" Ben called from meters behind them, the moment quickly disappearing as Luna disappeared onto the dance floor.

"Mason!" Luna clapped in his face, sitting up from her pillow to where he was perched on her bed, noticing his eyes locked on a patch of her duvet.
"What? Sorry," He snapped back into reality, feeling his chest twinge as the memories dispersed back into normality.
"I said where's Enzo?! I want pancakes," Luna shrugged. Mason smiled to himself, looking to the girl.
"He's asleep. I can make you pancakes," Mason offered, raising one eyebrow. Luna stared at him in silence for a moment, feeling a soft fluttering in her stomach as his eyes brought back vague memories of the previous night in the club. She didn't remember what had happened, but her heart remembered something.
"I don't trust you, you'll give me food poisoning," She eventually shook her head. Mason laughed.
"You can trust me," He told her lowly, a sense of sincerity in his voice, his chocolate eyes lifting off the duvet and into her own. "Come and supervise me if you don't believe me."
Luna thought for a second.
"Fine, I'll come and join you," She told him, stretching as a preparation to get out of bed. He simply stared at her for a moment, thoughts rushing through his head that he knew he shouldn't feel.
"You, urm, need to get off my feet Mase," She laughed, eventually prompting him to move so she could stand up.
"Right, yeah sorry," he laughed, jumping off the bed.
"Such a nerd," Luna smiled, shaking her head, a tinge of red warning Masons cheeks. He smirked, watching as the girl rubbed her messy hair and stood up out of bed.
"Like your shirt," He acknowledged the chelsea top she has slept in, her legs still bare.
"I've only got it because of my brother," She assured him.
"Don't tell me it's got Enzo's name on the back," Mason laughed, the girl turning around to show him the number '5' across her back with her brothers name.
"Who else would I have?!" Luna giggled.
"Me," he shrugged.
"Maybe one day," She laughed, shaking her head. He smirked, raising an eyebrow as he began walking down the staircase, the girl following just behind him.

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