CH 13 || Owing Favors

Start from the beginning

Ignoring him, I reached down to get my pants off. His sweatshirt ended halfway down to my knees, so I was fairly covered anyways. I huffed as I tugged and squirmed, secretly regretting that I had opted to wear skinny jeans. My numb fingers just didn't have the strength to peel them off, and the fabric clung to my skin like glue.

"You good there?" Killian asked cautiously.

You know what? This day couldn't get any worse so fuck it.

"Actually, I'm not," I ground out. "I might need help to get this off."

Killian turned his head and his gaze dropped to my pants. "Sure," he drawled. His eyebrows rose just a fraction, and his lips pressed together as if he was trying to suppress a smile.

Why did it have to be him who found me? Why?

I leaned back and lifted my legs. "If you could just pull on it..." I mumbled.

His eyes met mine, the amusement in them evident. "Alright."

His long fingers grazed my skin as he started freeing me from the sticky fabric. This was so weird. Or rather it should have been, but the weird part was that I didn't feel that weirded out. Or maybe I was just too spent to care.

After a few more tugs, I was finally free, and Killian held my soaked-through pants in his hands.

"You took a bath out there or what?" A sharp note crept into his voice. "Why didn't you call anyone?"

Was he angry, or was I just imagining it? It was hard to tell with him facing away while I pulled on his sweatpants.

"So, did you get it fixed?" I asked, dodging the question.


I stopped. "No?"

"Yep. After I stood in the rain for five minutes, I finally got your flat off just to realize that your spare tire is broken."

I blinked a few times my hands clenching and unclenching at my side. I would not cry. Chris had brought my car to the inspection the last time. That should have been fixed.

"Do you need anything from the car?" Killian asked softly. Maybe he sensed that my mood had dropped.

"J-just my bag..." I said and bit my lip, hoping he didn't notice the tremor in my voice.

"I'll be right back."

I wanted to stop him, but he was already running through the rain again. He reached into the back seat to grab my bag and lifted the spare tire back into my trunk. Inside again, he ditched his hoodie, which by now, was completely soaked as well.

A hollow feeling spread in my chest, and I hugged my knees to my chest. "Sorry about the trouble."

"It's no problem," he said simply. "Plus, You can always pay me back—"

My arms tightened. So, he wanted something in return? I supposed, in the end, all guys did.

"—by promising me that you won't do this again."

Wait. What?

"Next time you are in a situation like this and you don't want to tell anyone? Fine. But you will call me instead. Got it?"

I gaped at him. Didn't he find me annoying?

"So?" His gaze stayed fixed on me, waiting. "That a deal or you prefer if I hold this over your head for the next—"

"Fine," I interrupted him quickly. "It's a deal." I relaxed into the seat. With no number, there was also no one to call anyways. Not that I would point that out.

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