THE AMAZING BIO OF THE MAGNIFICENT Y/N!!!...and his lazy brother, Papyrus. (Bio)

Start from the beginning

Personality (when provoked/upset): Cocky, Careful, Precise, Blunt, Serious, Disappointed, Upset.

Likes: Tacos, Making Tacos, Mexican food, Burritos, Making friends, Being supportive, Collecting sci-fi figures and spaceships (as well as other snippets,) His brother, His friends, Making Puns (only one that he claims are "good") and Pranks, Riddles, Saying " Mweh Heh Heh!", Temmie (is a childhood friend), Eda, Luz, King, Muffet.

Y/N: "I indeed do like saying Mweh Heh Heh, it's my catchphrase! Mweh Heh Heh!"

Papyrus: "Yep, you sure do bro, I wouldn't be able to tell if you were my brother if you stopped saying it. It makes you unique."

Y/N: "Aw thanks Papy, your unique as well, somewhere under all that laziness."

Papyrus: "Thanks bro, anyways let's continue and stop interrupting for now."

Dislikes: Bullies, People harming those he cares for, His brother's laziness, Being put down, Being told he can't do something, Puns being told at the worst times, Papyrus' smoking habit, Papyrus' puns sometimes (since he thinks that they are "bad" puns)

Y/N: "Eh heh, yeah people can be kind and caring but sometimes people go down the wrong path sometimes they only need a little convincing and can redeem themselves but sometimes...sometimes people are too far gone, b-but still I try and help them, cause I know they can do a little bit better, as long as they just try! What do you think Papyrus?"

Papyrus: " comment."

Y/N: "O-oh okay, anyways let's get onto my abilities, I know that you readers saw my stats earlier and were probably either disappointed or sad but trust me, I know I don't seem like much but I surely pack a punch!"

Abilities: Attack grabbing, Gaster Blaster's, Osteokinesis, Dodging, Karmic Retribution, Telekinesis, Blue Bones, Incredible Strength, Incredible Physical Strength, "Special Attack(s)," Orange Magic, Tough Gloves (as a back up,) Transmogrification (via changing bones into something else)

Y/N: "And that's all there is about me, disappointing huh readers, I know but a simple bio cannot contain my mere magnificence, I'm just too great! Mweh heh heh, of course, I'm only joking and I know everyone doesn't see me as magnificent or supreme but that doesn't matter cause as long as those who care for me think so then I am, no matter what anyone tells me!"

Papyrus: "Wow that was deep bro, deep but true, I'm glad you think like that, that's good."

Y/N: "Thank you, brother! Anyways let's get onto your bio, you lazybones!"

Papyrus: "Sure thing, bro."

Name: Papyrus

Aliases: Papyrus and Paps.

Nicknames: Lazybones, Smoking beanpole, Numbskull, Carrot, and Orange.

Species: Monster Skeleton Hybrid

Age in human years: 13

Age in monster years: 7

Stats: HP 680, ATK 20, DEF 20.

Y/N: "My, Papyrus, you've somehow maintained decent stats over the years of your laziness and smoking habit, how'd you do it?"

Papyrus: "Tibia honest with you bro, I've got no clue, Nyeh heh."

Y/N: "Heh, good one Paps."

Papyrus: "Thanks, bro!"

Height: 6'5"

Y/N: "Geez Papyrus, you've grown in height over the years, I remember when you were shorter than me, heh."

Papyrus: "Yep I sure have gotten taller bro, I'm no longer the baby bones I used to be."

Y/N: "Anyways continuing!"


Y/N: "Wowzers, you can somehow look intimidating and goofy, that's impressive Paps"

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Y/N: "Wowzers, you can somehow look intimidating and goofy, that's impressive Paps"

Papyrus: "Eh, thanks bro, though I don't get upset often I can scare people off."

Y/N: "I bet!"

Personality: Lazy, Caring, Calm, Talkative, Laid Back, Flippant, Foolish, Apathetic, Observant, Prankster, Agreeable, Nihilistic.

Personality (when provoked/angered): Serious, Scary, Lazy, Intimidating, Angry, Apathetic.

Likes: His brother, Smoking, Honey, Restaurants, Y/N's cooking, Pulling pranks, Telling some jokes, Sleeping, Going on walks, The snow, Muffets Restaurant(s), Muffet.

Dislikes: Anyone who puts his brother down, Anyone who messes/bullies his brother, Anything to do with his brother in a negative light/manner or way, Y/N's jokes sometimes (opposite of Y/N's reasons, he prefers "bad" puns to Y/N's "good" ones), Y/N being put in bad positions, Y/N's idea to join the Emperor's Coven (due to him fearing he'll get harmed or worse but still supports him), Temmie (is cautious around them and wants Y/N to be as well but he ignores him)

Y/N: "Aww thanks bro, I'm glad you care for me a lot!"

Papyrus: "Of course, I'd care for you bro, you're my brother obviously, what kind of brother wouldn't care for his sibling." (Ahem...Belos)

Y/N: "I don't got a clue Paps, anyways lets get into your abilities!"

Abilities: Gaster Blaster's, Hard to dodge attacks, Telekinesis, Osteokinesis, Attack blocking, Blue bones, Orange bones, Teleportation, Basketballs (yes he actually summons massive basketballs to attack/distract his opponents), and bones in skateboards (again, yes he actually does this but they are regular sized skateboards)

Y/N: "Anyways that's all for our bio's humans, demons, witches, and readers, stay tuned for our next chapter I'll be sure you all will enjoy it, Mweh heh heh!"

Y/N: "Say goodbye, Papyrus!"

Papyrus: "Later people and stay tuned for..."

Y/N & Papyrus: "More of this, MAGNIFICENT SWAPPED STORY! Nyeh heh heh/MWEH HEH HEH!!!"

Word count: 1228

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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A MAGNIFICENT SWAPPED STORY! (The Owl House X Male Swap Sans Reader)Where stories live. Discover now