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Trigger Warning: Sexual assault

Y/n had been in France as an exchange student from the U.S. when she met Charles and, ever since then, she has never gone back home. What started as a year in France, visiting all the beautiful cities, turned into her meeting the love of her life and moving there permanently. Her friends from university had insisted on taking her to Monaco once they found out she hadn't even really heard of it. They had scheduled a day and forced her to clear her schedule and, just like that, she was on the train with the destination on her ticket reading "Monaco ''. It was there that she had run into Charles after he almost hit her while she was crossing the street. He was incredibly frazzled as he leaped out of his car, spouting out many apologies and pleading with her to not sue him. However, he was quickly speaking in French and the poor girl was so lost. Her friends had been laughing at her situation when they realized who exactly had almost hit her. She, of course, didn't know who he was, considering she was from America where F1 wasn't big, and just stared blankly at the man in front of her as her friends explained to Charles how she was from America and didn't understand French. The whole thing was an absolute mess and her friends continued to chuckle behind her as they watched Charles check her out multiple times. After a twenty-minute discussion with Charles apologizing and her telling him it was okay, he awkwardly asked for her number. Her friends had absolutely lost it at that point and he blushed, but that didn't stop her from saying yes and putting her number into his phone. It wasn't until he drove away that they told her who he was. She was intimidated, to say the least, and even more when she saw the girls he had dated before. All of them were tall and skinny with tanned skin and could only be considered models. Y/n was not like that at all. Although, Charles still took her out on a date and still called her the morning after and, two years later, he called her his girlfriend. They had gone to countless events together and everyone knew they were in love, so no one ever made advances on either of the two. Well, there was one guy.


It had been a loud and alcohol-filled party that all the drivers had attended with their significant others. Charles and Y/n had been tied at the hip the whole time, dancing and screaming the lyrics to their favorite songs as they downed tequila. Y/n had said she had to go to the bathroom as Charles was ordering more drinks, lively talking with Carlos, and he just nodded his head. She hadn't had a problem until she came out of the bathroom, drink in hand, and ran straight into a guy she had never seen before. He looked down at her and smiled, which she returned, but as she began to walk away, he grabbed her hand.

"Hi, I'm Hunter." He said as she awkwardly sipped her drink.

"Hi" Is all she said, willing Charles to appear and save her from this already uncomfortable encounter.

She continued to drink from her glass as the guy talked about random things, which she didn't have the heart to interrupt seeing as he seemed like a nice guy. However, as she continued listening to him, she felt herself begin to sway and her vision blur. It wasn't like she was getting even drunker or she was spacing out, she was almost losing herself. The feeling made her panic but her body didn't go into fight or flight mode as it should and it didn't do anything as the man led her into the bathroom. She felt like she was outside of herself, watching from an outside perspective as she was led into a tiny stall.

On the other hand, Charles was starting to get slightly worried. It had been 10 minutes since his girlfriend left to go to the bathroom and there was still no sign of her. He looked towards Carlos, giving him a strange look as he said,

"Hasn't Y/n been gone awhile?" Carlos' head looked around before he nodded and that was all Charles needed to stand up and make his way towards the back, Carlos trailing behind. When they got to the area containing the bathrooms, they found a group of girls standing off to the corner.

"Um... excuse me?" Charles says as the girls' heads whip around, "I was wondering if you guys saw a girl in the bathroom? She's about y/h (your height) with y/h/c and y/e/c. She's wearing a black dress that's shorter and has a slit up the front." The girls looked at each other as the brunette of the group spoke up.

"We did see a girl like that, but not in the bathroom. She was out here. She was talking to this guy and he took her into the guys' bathroom."

Charles felt his heart drop and the air leave his lungs as Carlos threw himself at the men's bathroom door. Charles was quick to move as well, both of them flying into the bathroom and being met with nothing. Charles was ready to give up and start looking somewhere else when he saw two pairs of feet in one stall. He recognized the heels and that was when he heard it.

Small cries and quiet "no"s coming from behind the door absolutely shattered him and it didn't take him a second longer to know it was Y/n. He gave Carlos a look before making quick strides toward the door. He slammed his fist against the flimsy door, straining his ears to hear any sort of movement.

"I know you're in there and if you don't come out, I swear to God, I will kick this door down."


"Listen, you've got my girlfriend in there and I'm not leaving until I walk out of this bathroom with her."

Still, silence.

So, with another look sent to Carlos and a nod of his head, Charles took a few steps away from the door. She was in the biggest stall so he wasn't worried about hitting her and based on where he could see her feet, she wasn't in the way. He turned his body to the side and then sprinted at the door, it breaking open and him flying into the wall of the stall. The scene he was met with made him sick. Y/n's dress was down, exposing her chest, and the guy's hand was splayed around her breast. Charles was horrified and raging as he began to yell at the man to get his hands off his girlfriend. It didn't take him a second thought to move towards them and fling a fist in the man's face. With one punch, the man was out and on the floor. When he turned around, Carlos was entering the stall and taking one look at Y/n before immediately looking away, wanting to respect the privacy she had just been stripped of. Charles moved towards her, taking off his suit jacket and draping it over her in a move to cover her. Once that was on, Carlos turned around, moving towards the unconscious guy on the floor and muttering how he would go get security. Carlos, accompanied by two burly men who wore black shirts which Charles could only deduce as security, came back and the man on the floor was taken out of the room in an instant. Once they were left alone, Y/n broke down into tears. Charles held her as she buried her face in his chest, whispering sweet nothings in her ear and planting kisses on her head. He couldn't believe that the fun night they were just sharing together had turned into his worst nightmare so quickly. He continued to stroke her hair and back as she calmed down and when the tears settled, he began to escort her out of the party. The drive home was quiet as Y/n clung to Charles' hand. Once they entered their apartment, Charles brought Y/n to the shower. He undressed her and held her under the hot water as she stayed quiet. She continued to keep quiet as Charles put her in her favorite hoodie of his and pajama pants she loved. It was only when they laid down together in bed, her tucked into his side as he ran his hands over her back, that she spoke up.

"Thank you for finding me" She said so quietly, Charles almost didn't hear it.

"Of course, mon cœur. I'll always find you. Anytime you need me, I'm there."

Y/n felt the tears begin to fall once more as she relived the night she had endured. When the tears got stronger, Charles' hand went to her head, hugging her tighter. He had to stop his own tears from falling as he heard her begin to break down once more. He couldn't imagine the other things the man had done to her and the fear she was probably experiencing when he had interrupted. He didn't know how to make things better for her and he knew there was probably nothing he could do except to be there to hold her and protect her.

"I love you, vita mia. It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." He continued to repeat as she continued to cry. They sat there for about an hour, laying with each other. Charles' pet names and words of endearment never stopped as the feelings of intense violation set in for her. Her tears slowly stopped and her breathing reached a rhythm as she fell asleep. Although, Charles stayed up. Continuing to whisper "It will be okay" to himself. He didn't know where they would go from here, but what he did know was that the girl laying in his arms would never be faced with anything like that again because he was never going to stop protecting her and loving her for the rest of his life.

And that was a promise.

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