Behind You

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It had been a rough morning for Carlos and Charles. They had been scheduled to be at the office for press and interviews by 10 AM, but woke up at 9:30. The office was 20 minutes away. So, it was safe to say, this morning was a blur and chaotic that made Charles even more stressed out then he should have been. Thankfully, they got to the office only a few minutes late and were able to get to their first interview on time. However, after that, it had been disaster after disaster. Carlos spilling wine all over Charles' shirt during a challenge where they were blindfolded and had to guess the substance in the cup, Charles dropping and shattering a mug in the office's break room, Carlos tripping and falling onto the floor and taking a whole table with him, and more. The destruction never stopped. To top it all off, Charles hadn't even gotten to text Y/n back. He had promised her he would call her this morning when he was getting ready but because it was a rush, he had to skip it. She had been texting him, asking if he was okay due to his radiosilence, and whenever he even got the smallest chance to text her back, he was pulled away to another interview or game. Finally, he was able to shoot her a quick and short text that just told her how busy he was. Her response came quick with a simple "Ok, I love you" and a red heart. Charles felt himself blush, as he always did when she told him how she felt, and he didn't hesitate to send an "I love you too" back. After that, he was being pulled away to another interview.


"Ok, so for this next challenge, there are headphones under your seats. Pull those out and put them on." Lissie said to Carlos and Charles as they sat on couches, opposite each other.

"Oh, I'm actually quite excited for this challenge." Charles said, it had been the only thing he was looking forward to throughout the day. He had seen people do this on Youtube and TikTok, but never had the excuse to play it himself.

"So, how the game works is Carlos will read off a sentence to Charles and Charles will have to guess what he is saying with his headphones on as they blast music and vice versa. Sound good, guys?" Lissie said, looking at Charles and Carlos expectantly.

Carlos and Charles nodded their heads with smiles on their faces as they turned to each other. The decided to have Carlos go first and Charles looked at the words as Carlos adjusted the headset. Looking at Carlos, Charles began to mouth the words "Everyone is a Scuderia Ferrari fan". It was safe to say that Carlos had no idea what he was saying due to the confused expression written all over his face. Charles began to laugh as he tried to continue mouthing the words. After a few tries, Carlos gave up, taking his headphones off and asking to know what he was saying.

"Everyone is a Scuderia Ferrari fan, mate. You should've seen your face." Charles said, still laughing and red in the face.

"Haha. Very funny." Carlos said, playfully rolling his eyes.

Now it was Charles' turn.

What Charles didn't know was that this interview was all a set up to surprise him with Y/n. She had flown in this morning and arrived to the office an hour before the boys so she didn't risk running into them. Carlos was given a card with the words "Y/n is behind you" on it and would mouth them to Charles until he figured out what was going on. When he did, Y/n would be standing behind him and the happy couple would be reunited. It was no secret the distance between the two was getting to Charles. He wasn't as smiley or happy as he was when he was around her and the team thought it was only necessary to have Y/n come to him. They had been apart for almost two months with his racing and her career separating them. It had taken a few weeks to figure out what days worked for her, but when they did, she was on the plane, flying to see the guy she had been in love with for three years. She was a bit nervous to see him, she knew he would be happy, but she wanted the surprise to go successfully and there were a lot of opportunities to have it fail. For example, when Charles broke the mug, she almost ran into the room, worried someone was hurt, but when she got there and saw it was him through the clear glass doors, she bolted. She knew he was fine, she saw he was okay, and that made it even more dire she get out without being seen. Fortunately, Charles was so wrapped up in apologizing and cleaning his mess, that he hadn't even heard her turn around and run away. If things continued the way they were, he wouldn't even see it coming.

Charles was dancing to the song playing loudly in his ear when Carlos began to mouth the words. He had a knowing smirk on his face and Charles thought it was just him thinking he wouldn't get the sentence, but that wasn't the case. Whether he liked it or not, Carlos loved Y/n and Charles together. He was their number 1 fan, he was the captain of their ship. When the team first came to Carlos and explained the plan, he was giddy. He couldn't wait to see the look on Charles' face when he came face to face with the girl he hadn't shut up about since they parted.

"Y/n is right behind you." Carlos said as he watched, out of the corner of his eye, Y/n enter the room and take her place behind Charles.

"Tomato is not picked." Charles said as he tried to decipher what Carlos was saying. The whole room broke out into laughs at his butchering of the sentence and Carlos shook his head as the words left his mouth again.

"Y/n is behind you." Carlos watched as Charles' face became swallowed in a pinkish color. He was blushing.

"Y/n..." Charles trailed off as pictures of the love of his life flashed in his head. Carlos nodded his head and gestured for Charles to keep going.

"Y/n is... Y/n is my girlfriend?" Charles said as he tried to patch the words together. Carlos smiled at him before shaking his head and saying the words one last time.

"Y/n is behind you." Charles' face lit up and he sprung from his seat on the sofa.

"Y/N IS BEHIND ME! I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" He exclaimed as he pumped his fists in the air, Carlos sitting back and allowing the scene to unfold in front of him. Charles' face fell as he sat back down.

"Wait. Y/n is behind me?" He said as he looked towards Carlos before whipping himself around. What he saw infront of him was truly a beautiful shot. Y/n, standing there, in a red Ferrari sweatshirt with his number and name on it, black leggings, and the same Nike Blazers he was wearing.

"Hi, baby" Is all she said before Charles flew out of his seat once more and ran towards her. He crashed into her, picking her up and hugging her as tightly as he could. When he put her down, he immediately laid a passionate and sweet kiss on her lips. It was filled with love and longing, but wasn't as intense as they both wanted it to be, considering their surroundings and the amount of cameras on them at that moment. When he pulled away, he was looking down at her with a smile so big that it hurt his cheeks and when he went to hug her again, she wrapped her arms around him, slowly running her hands up his back and into his hair before Carlos began to whistle at them.

"Ok, Charlesssss" He said, dragging out the 's' and continuing to yelp and whistle at the two. The couple pulled away from each other fully and laughed at one of their closest friend's antics before going to sit back down on the couch.

"Who knew about this?" Charles asked as his head darted around the room and his hand landed on Y/n's thigh.

"Everyone, mate. Even me." Carlos said as he admired the way his racing partner looked at the girl he loved and how evident his love for her was. If Carlos was looking at them from an outside perspective, he would say the same thing.

They were two people who learned they couldn't ever live without the other and fallen so incredibly hard.

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