Arthur's Best Friend

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Y/n knocked on the door of Arthur's house with a big smile on her face. After a long week, she was finally getting time to hang out with one of her favorite people on the planet. When the door began to open, Y/n's eyes were not met with the person she had been willing into existence the past seven days, they were met with his brother and her boyfriend, Charles. They hadn't seen each other in months, resorting to Facetime calls and late-night text messages to fulfill the longing for the other. It wasn't exactly ideal and it wasn't like she could go to visit him whenever she wanted to, considering they hadn't told anyone about their relationship. They were keeping it a secret due to many reasons but the main one was that they were worried about how Arthur would react. He hadn't exactly made comments and jokes that supported the idea of them being a couple and Y/n was too scared to lose the friendship she held so dearly to her heart. So, they snuck around and didn't take for granted the quiet moments they had together. It was a bit hard to control their feelings around one another in public but, after a year, they had gotten pretty good at it.

"Y/n! Hey!" He said as he pulled her into him. They immediately fell into each others' arms, Y/n finally feeling at home. They had stood there for a few moments, basking in each other, before Arthur's voice sounded through the hallway.

"Charles! Who is it!" They immediately broke apart, taking large steps away from each other to cover up the intimate moment they were just sharing. Charles looked down at Y/n, giving her a smile and a loving gaze, before responding to his brother.

"It's Y/n" It wasn't long before they heard feet pattering quickly along the floor and Arthur was appearing behind them. He pushed Charles aside, immediately throwing himself at the girl as he yelped and hollered excitedly at her arrival. Once pulling away, Arthur dragged Y/n into the living room, plopping onto the couch and patting the seat next to him. It was a late Friday night so they were planning on having a movie night and Arthur had told Y/n she would be sleeping over, whether she liked it or not. However, with Charles' unexpected arrival, their plans changed a bit. Charles had always been a bit of a touchy subject for Arthur. The large shoes he had to fill and the spotlight he continued to live in the shadow of made Charles and his relationship a bit rocky at times. They loved each other and they always supported each other but Arthur hated the fact that his brother got what he wanted, always. Getting his parents' attention was hard enough as it is but with a successful F1 driver for a brother, it was practically impossible. That's why Y/n and Charles' relationship continued to stay private. Arthur had confided in Y/n multiple times that she was his only outhouse that he didn't have to share with his brother. If he found out that Y/n had become Charles' too, well, she wasn't excited to see how that went.

"Mind if I join you guys?" Charles asked as he sat down next to his girlfriend, withholding the urge to put an arm around her. Y/n looked toward Arthur, knowing better than to answer for him.

"Uh.. yeah. That's fine, I guess." Arthur said, begrudgingly. Charles just smiled and sank deeper into the chair, subtly leaning into his girlfriend, whose touch he had missed dearly.


As the movie came to a close, Y/n glanced over her shoulder to see Arthur passed out. She turned her head to the other side being met with a sleepy Charles who was fighting hard to stay awake. She smiled lovingly at him before raising her hand to meet his cheek. He smiled once he felt the familiar touch and leaned into her side further, to the point where he was leaning on her. She moved her arm so it was wrapped around him and met to tangle in his hair. He hummed quietly and she leaned further into the couch. They lay there until Y/n remembered how close they were to Arthur and she stood up. Charles groaned at the loss of contact and when he tried to reach for her, she was already tending to his brother who was slowly waking up and rubbing his eyes.

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