"She was possessed. She attacked me with the demonic force, and I killed her." My voice was cracking as I uttered these words with pain in my heart. If only my mother were still alive, I wouldn't have been through all this shit. She might have the answer to why the demons are after me.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about yourself, and it is unfortunate, because before you will realize it, you will be inside the grave." He snickered evilly.

"Why are the demons after me? Why does Laura do everything to force me into killing myself? I am just a normal wolf like everyone else!" I bawled, and he laughed shortly.

"You are wrong. You aren't a normal wolf like everyone else, and that is fine as long as you don't know who you are yet. My advice to you when we get to the demon cave is this...."

"We are going to the demons cave?!" I screamed, petrified as my eyes widened and my breath hitched inside my throat. It hit me like a rock when I realized I was riding into the lion's den. I think today might just be my end!

"My advice when we get there is that you give your total submission to the demon king. He is too impatient and has a short temper. There are only two options for you when you get there. Kill yourself instantly or join us." He spoke gently, emphasizing the second option with a more coaxing tone.

"I don't get you. Join who? Demons?!" I asked with a frown.

"Whatever you call it. Just keep in mind what I told you. You don't want to lose your arms or legs, right? You really won't want to have your pretty face disfigured. So don't tempt the demon king." His voice was calm, but the words were so terrifying that I felt all my muscles tighten, and a loud gasp escaped my lips.

Overwhelming fear shook me so hard that my entire body was shaking uncontrollably as I moved my eyes frantically to my arms, breathing heavily as I thought of what he just told me.

"Are..you... serious?" There was a tremor in my voice as I forced words out, breathing shakily.

"Since you want to live, don't you think the best option is joining us? The werewolves don't deserve you. Everyone had hurt you. Every single one of them had been a thorn in your flesh, including your own father. They can't forgive you anymore and will always torture you." He paused and let out a shrug.

"I should become a demon. Is that what you are telling me? I should get possessed like my demon and become a subject of the demon king. That's what you're advising me to do, huh?" I snorted, feeling so disgusted that my stomach grumbled. Imagining myself as a demon was the most irritating thought I had ever had.

"The choice is yours." He shrugged, looking away. My eyes turned to the car window to check where we were, but I was shocked to see that I couldn't see anything. The car seemed to be tinted from the inside with some kind of dark magic.

This was to make sure I wouldn't know my way into the secret abode of the demons. There was actually no need to blind the path because I won't be able to survive today. It was finally coming to an end. There was no way I would accept joining the demons, no way I would live without arms or with a disfigured face, so it is obvious that I would eventually submit to death.

I will eventually kill myself and give the demons their chance to attack the werwolf. Tears fell freely like rivers down my cheeks as I sobbed silently. I just recalled the reason why I got into this mess. Dracula caused it. He messed me up. He destroyed me and became the man who gave the demons the chance to get me.

It felt like bullets were fired into my heart, but what hurts the most is that he was the one who pulled the trigger—the only man I gave my heart to, my first love, whom I believed would save me, I struggled to stay alive just for him, but he picked me up from the ground, slammed me back, then ran over me like a train, crushing me from skin to bone.

He will look for me and won't find me because I will be gone to the land of the dead, but what I don't know is what his expression will be like. I guess he will be so glad I won't be there to cause trouble or disturbance between him and his new lover.

My life is a mess; it has always been one, and it will always be a mess till I die. Perhaps my mother was correct. I should die in order for the demons to rule. I should just die because there is absolutely no reason to stay alive. Dracula was my reason to fight for my life, but now he had become one of those who had broken me and kicked me out of his life.

He ditched me like I was nothing.

Just then, the car screeched to a halt.

"What happened? Why are you stopping here?" The man beside me shouted at the driver, who was suddenly panting and sweating as his hands shook vehemently on the car's steering.

"What is wrong with...." His voice got strangled when he also looked forward at the windscreen. He couldn't talk anymore as his eyes widened in panic, too. The phone in his hand dropped as he gaped in terror at whatever was in front of the car, which seemed to be the reason it came to a halt.

"How did he find us?" The driver stuttered, trembling.

I was still blinded by the dark magic, so I couldn't see what was in front of the car through the windscreen, but whatever it was, it must be a very powerful being to be able to make demons shiver in horror this way.

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