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A/N: Y'all are in for a treat this chapter enjoy! ;)

     ɪ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜰᴀʀ. The conversation about Obi-Wan had caused a temporary loss of memory at what I'd experienced and learned back in our prison cell--most importantly, the fact that in these cuffs, I couldn't use the Force. I lost some valuable time when I confronted some Geonosian guards ahead, trying to throw them out of my way using the Force. I'd been able to evade them, but running on my ankle, as much better as it was feeling, was still painful. As I rounded a corner toward what I hoped would be more cells, I twisted my ankle again and fell to the ground, hissing in pain. The Geonosian guards recaptured me before I could make it much further.

This time, as they lugged me down the hallway alone, two of the winged creatures kept a hold of me, trying to make sure I wouldn't escape. Not that that would have done much good. If my leg wasn't still twinging in pain, I was almost certain I could have made it away from them, far enough to find a way to get these cuffs off or recover my lightsaber.

Unfortunately, though, my ankle was still a problem, and I had enough sense to see that it would be useless to try and escape now. Though I had no idea where they were taking me, I had to hope that wherever it was, Obi-Wan would be there, so I could talk to him before my mother tried to sentence him to death.

To my simultaneous relief and displeasure, I found him sooner than I thought. The Geonosians lugged me out into what appeared to be a giant arena, with stands made of what looked like columns and structures of rock and sandstone. The stands in question were packed with Geonosians, with more fluttering in from above and settling into anywhere that had an opening. They were chattering feverently, as if excited and amused to witness us die in what I had to assume was a battle-to-the-death scenario. Or, I noted as I saw the four giant pillars placed strategically in the middle of the arena, draped in chains, simply a death scenario. It didn't seem like there was going to be much fighting; rather, us standing, chained to a pillar, as we were killed by whatever or whomever.

As I was dragged toward the pillars, leaving a trail in the sand behind me, I instantly resolved that that wouldn't be the case. If Jobal or Count Dooku wanted to kill me, they wouldn't get it without a fight.

My mind resolved even more as I saw who was chained to the first pillar. Obi-Wan was already there, watching me get dragged across the field with clear pain and despair in his eyes. "Emeré?" He called as soon as I was within earshot, his voice broken. "You came?"

"You sound upset," I noted.

"Only because we've been sentenced to die," Obi-Wan called back. "I'd hoped you'd steered clear of this mess. I... I don't want to be the reason that you..."

I was dragged away from him before he got the chance to say more.

Anakin and Padmé were chained up right next to him on identical pillars.

"At least you found him," Anakin remarked with a hopeful smile.

"Oh, don't start," I snapped.

The two Geonosians who had been holding my bonds led me to the last pillar, attaching the energy-fueled cuffs to the chains. They tugged a couple times to make sure it was secure, and once they were satisfied, fluttered off to the stands to watch as well.

I glanced down the line of us, hoping to catch Obi-Wan's eye, but he wasn't looking at me. Neither were Anakin and Padmé. The two were staring at each other, a look in their eyes and a brightness to their faces that I hadn't noticed before. Something had happened while I was gone... I was sure of it. But that wasn't what I was most concerned about.

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