December 23rd: Break-in, but drunk

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It's 2 in the morning when muffled sounds make their way through Alhaitham's bedroom windows. They've already dragged him out of his sleep, his mind foggy and still willing them away with no further involvement on his part. His bed is comfortable, warm, and, most importantly, the only place he wants to be at this ungodly hour.

"Oh, shit." Barely audible curses join the sounds of what Alhaitham believes can only be coming from one person. Because only one person would be outside at this time of night in the dead of winter.

He tries once more to ignore the struggle outside his window, desperately trying to fall back asleep.

A loud crash of a pot hitting the concrete floor destroys any hope he had of continuing his rest.

He shuffles out of bed with a tired groan, his still head foggy from sleep. He knows that the headache that will greet him both outside and when he wakes up in the morning is unavoidable.

He slides the door to his balcony open, the cold December air making him regret getting out of bed in the first place, the thin shirt and boxers doing nothing to keep him warm.

By the railing he sees Kaveh dangling awkwardly over the threshold between their balconies, attempting to reach Alhaitham's side, yet still unaware of his neighbour's presence.

A moment passes before Alhaitham realises the predicament Kaveh is in. The blond is climbing over their railing, dangling over the dark depths of their 10th floor apartments, only held up by sheer determination to get onto Alhaitham's side.

"Are you insane!" Alhaitham yells without regard for anyone still sleeping. He rushes towards Kaveh who looks up in surprise, his grip on the already slippery bars loosening.

The blond yelps, desperately attempting to hold on. Alhaitham's arms fling over the barricade and wrap tightly around Kaveh. He pulls them both back onto solid ground, over the fencing's threshold, using his own weight as a counterbalance.

The air in his lungs is smacked out of him as he falls to the ground, Kaveh splayed over him. He doesn't dare loosen his hold, scared that Kaveh might still fall if he does.

His heart is pounding, and he tightens his grip even more, eliciting a pained squeak from the man on top of him.

"Haitham! Let go! Let go!" Kaveh struggles in his grip, attempting to break free from the strong arms that have tightly wrapped around him.

Kaveh's pained voice brings Alhaitham back to reality, fear giving way to anger. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" He pulls both of them up, only to push Kaveh away from him abruptly. "You're not stupid enough to do something that... stupid!"

In return, he gets a laugh, as if anything about this situation is worth laughing about. "I never expected to hear you struggling with words, Haitham."

That's his takeaway from this?

Kaveh pokes Alhaitham's chest, and with a bright smile, decides his hand is better suited patting the top of the ashen locks he'd been so curious about feeling. "Soft."

Understanding washes over Alhaitham, who is now picking up on the subtle scent of alcohol in Kaveh's breath and the childish way he speaks.

With an exasperated groan, Alhaitham presses his face against Kaveh's shoulder. Adrenaline begins to leave his body, leaving him tired. "You could have gotten yourself killed." He whispers, not trying to actually tell Kaveh this in his inebriated state.

"But I didn't!" Kaveh replies anyway.

"Why are you here?" Alhaitham mumbles, no energy left to fight.

"Well, I had a few drinks—"

"Clearly." Alhaitham interrupts.

"—and I felt a little lonely, so I wanted to share with my favourite neighbour."

Alhaitham can't help but smile as the title of "favourite neighbour" is bestowed upon him so graciously. A title worth Kaveh almost falling to his death apparently.

"You wanted to share... what exactly?" Alhaitham asks, gesturing at Kaveh's empty hands.

"Oh," Kaveh investigates his surroundings and confirms that he did, in fact, forget to bring the drinks he'd planned to share with Alhaitham. He gets up and walks back to the barrier between their balconies, ready to climb back over. "Let me go get them!"

Alhaitham's heart sinks to his stomach. He scrambles to his feet before Kaveh can swing his leg over the barrier again, pulling him away from the edge.

"Absolutely not." Alhaitham says sternly.

Kaveh pouts, but puts up no fight. He drowsily leans into Alhaitham. "Boring."

With a sigh, Alhaitham easily picks up Kaveh, eliciting sweet giggles from the blond, "Chivalrous!" his voice chimes lightly next to Alhaitham's ear. The younger man's main concern was getting Kaveh back inside, as neither of them was dressed appropriately for the prolonged exposure to the cold. Nor did he trust Kaveh to behave himself near heights.

He shimmies them through the open door, placing Kaveh on his bed to search him to ensure he wasn't hurt during their fall. The blond's fingers and toes were bright red, on the verge of frostbite.

How long was he out there?

"Kaveh, are you hurt anywhere?" Alhaitham unintentionally changes his tone, mothering the fully grown man sitting on his bed.

"Only here!" Kaveh points to his chest dramatically.

Alhaitham lets out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. "I suppose you're fine if you can joke." He stands up and turns his back on Kaveh, missing the sad expression creeping up the blond's face.

"Let's put some warm clothes on you." Alhaitham rummages through his closet, trying not to think about how nice Kaveh will look in his clothes.

When he looks back at Kaveh with clothes in hand, Kaveh is back to looking like his giddy self. He offers the clothes, but the drunk pretends not to see.

"Don't make me put this on you." Alhaitham warns.

Kaveh giggles, raising his arms, gesturing that this is exactly what Alhaitham should be doing.

"You're too old for this, Kaveh." Despite his disappointed tone, he pulls the hoodie he'd grabbed over Kaveh's outstretched arms. He kneels in front of him to put on the fuzzy socks, but stops when he feels the weight of Kaveh's arms fall onto his shoulders.

"There," Kaveh says with a sincere smile on his face, "caught ya!"

Whatever anger was left in Alhaitham's body vanishes, and he relaxes at the innocent sight of Kaveh attempting to catch him the same way he had caught him on the balcony.

"You sure did," he replies with a soft smile, "sleepy?"

Kaveh's eyes are drooping and he's struggling to stay upright, with only his arms over Alhaitham's shoulders keeping him from collapsing.

"Hmmh." Kaveh hums in agreement.

"Let's get you to bed." Alhaitham lifts Kaveh into the still-unmade bed. Before his head even hits the pillow, the blond has passed out. "Good night." Alhaitham whispers, knowing he won't be heard.

In a moment of weakness, he considers just sliding in next to the blond, the peaceful scene inviting, if not tempting. But the consequences of a disoriented Kaveh in the morning, albeit bound to be funny, are not something he wants to be on the receiving end of.

The sofa will do.

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