December 20th: Break-in

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The door to Alhaitham's apartment is unlocked with a click. He swings it open unceremoniously, sighing in relief as he prepares to do nothing until work resumes in the new year. With his body stiff from exhaustion, he looks forward to reading quietly as the holidays pass him by.

He turns on the light and is greeted by someone who most definitely should not be standing in his living room.

"You're not supposed to be home yet." His neighbour chimes as if Alhaitham is the one at fault in this situation.

"You're not supposed to be here at all." Alhaitham deadpans, mildly amused by Kaveh's audacity in breaking into his home. He didn't take the invasion of his privacy seriously because it wouldn't make a difference. It's clear that Kaveh isn't there to steal anything.

At the very least, he hopes Kaveh isn't stupid enough to steal something while wearing the loud and ugly Christmas sweater and holding a collection of Christmas decorations. With a quick glance around the living room, he discovers various items that did not belong to him expertly concealed between his regular furniture. Subtle hints that Christmas had finally arrived at his house.

"Are you... decorating my house?" He asks, somewhat bemused.

"You refuse to do it yourself! What choice did I have!?" Alhaitham refuses to acknowledge the offence in Kaveh's tone as he chastises him for not decorating his apartment. He recalls Kaveh mentioning the lack of decorations last week. Alhaitham hadn't given it any thought at the time. He hadn't expected the blond to take matters into his own hands.

"It's already the 20th! You've lost so much time already!" Kaveh continues to reprimand him.

"What if I don't want them to begin with?" Alhaitham raises his brow.

"That's downright depressing, Haitham." Kaveh waves him off, refusing to take the ridiculous notion seriously. There is simply no way.

"Give me one good reason why I should not just call the police." Alhaitham sighs, hoping to scare Kaveh out of his house.

Kaveh approaches the silver-haired man and places a hand on his shoulder. "Alhaitham, there's nothing I'd want you to do more than tell the cops what's going on here."

Alhaitham groans. He recognises what Kaveh is trying to say. What would he say to the cops if he reported the 'break in'? "Hello, my neighbour is decorating my house for Christmas, but he broke in to do so!" he'd either be laughed at or scolded for wasting their time.

He abandons his attempt to get Kaveh out of there and collapses onto the sofa.

"Don't go overboard." Alhaitham warns, pitching the bridge of his nose.

Kaveh proceeds to go overboard.

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