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Aizawa Shouta was taking it easy.

Tonight he would be watching over Folter’s HQ and see if there were any signs of Rabbit. But, it was most unlikely for the vigilante to appear in the first night, cause again, attacking Folter would surely need a lot of preparations.

Shouta drinks his usual dose of coffee before patrol, and takes off to Folter’s base.

According to the information Tsukauchi had given him, it’s located west from the police station, in a deserted area of Musutafu city. From Shouta’s home, it would take a 15 minute walk to get there. Surprisingly it’s not too far.

So, is Shouta taking that 15 min walk?

No bro.

Is he swinging around the streets like Spiderman?


Mhm, even underground heroes need to be flashy some times… for self satisfaction.

He arrives after 5 minutes at the supposed destination and… Wait what?

Shouta has been in this area a couple times on his patrols and there wasn’t anything suspicious about this fricking huge mansion. Heck, he has been inside of it once!

He had saved the owner’s son from a villain and they invited him for coffee afterwards.

And coffee is precious.

They can’t be the same ones running Folter! People that know the value of coffee are supposed to be good people, NOT VILLAINS!?

As you may already feel his devious aura leaking through your screen, yeah, Shouta is furious.

Just as he was about to throw himself at the bodyguards,


Shouta stops himself as a number of explosions are heard in a distance. Before he can react, the main door explodes as well, and the bodyguards are sent flying.

The underground hero looks at it like he is watching a firework show. Like, what just happened?

Shit, he says to himself Didn’t expect Rabbit to be on the move tonight! Yeah he definitely didn’t.

He shakes his head and runs towards the bodyguards lying on the ground, checking each of them.

Good they’re alive.

Shouta rushes inside the place and runs through the halls. He has to find the vigilante quickly.

He searches a bunch of rooms but God, this place is huge!

After a couple of minutes, as he goes into a seemingly big room, he hears footsteps from outside the door. Shouta conceals his presence and readies his capture weapon until finally, the door slams open.



After staring blankly at each other for a minute, the vigilante quickly backs away, jumping out of the room. Shouta doesn’t wait to follow after him and throws his capture weapon, wrapping it around Rabbit’s left leg. This literally makes Izuku face-plant on the floor.

Just then, the boy notices how clean the floor is, making him wander what kind of detergent they use. Maybe he should ask some bodyguard cause his apartment is in urgent need for a cleaning.

Anyways now is not the time cause a hobo has just caught his leg! Besides, what is Eraserhead even doing here? Izuku knew the police was already after the organization but before he headed out, he checked Tsukauchi’s home cameras and he hadn’t gone anywhere.

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