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Jun Kosuke's a bar owner, yes. From the outside, that is. Aside from that, he's also a merchant in the underground market.

Inside his bar, he has a secret basement where he keeps the illegal stuff that include guns, stun guns, grenades, gas bombs, bullet proof clothes, and such. Izuku though goes there only for materials since he can built his own equipment. And also, since the vigilante can't risk contacting people directly, the white head often helps him get jobs that are discussed among people in the black market.

Jun knows about Rabbits true identity and about his horrible past. He took care of him sometimes when the boy would get panic attacks. Or, when Izuku would get injured badly in his patrols, Jun would get a doctor or something. He truly treated him like a little brother.

"So, you got any jobs there? It's gotten awfully quiet lately." Izuku says while pulling some heel counters from a box. "My nights used to be more... I don't know-"

"Lively? Explosive?" Jun says and hands the boy some rubber shoe soles.

"Yeah! Explosive..." Izuku looks at the soles "Woah, these might be good."

"Actually there is something you may be interested in."

"Oh really?" The boy turns his head excitedly to the other.

"It may be a bit dangerou-"

"Tell me what's it!" the excitement already showing more in his voice, making Jun sigh.

"It's about a villain organization. They run a big illegal weapon business that sells things especially for killing and some of their members work as assassins. They go by the name Folter." He pauses to grab something on the shelves. "I've more information on Folter in my pc if you want to take a look. And, one of the clients is willing to pay a huge sum for anyone that can bring them down." He hands some metallic pieces to the boy.

"Consider the job done" Izuku smirks. "And I'm taking these." he says holding the metallic pieces up.

Jun sighs again, probably getting reminded at how reckless this kid is. "Just be careful okay?"

"Yeah sure sure. And, can I get a discoun-"


"Hmph, meanie."


Another day passes and Tsukauchi looks more like a hobo than Aizawa does.

During the day, the detective receives cases and during the night, Rabbit solves them. But of course, the appearance of the vigilante always means no sleep for him.

Today, he received another case. Though, it is a bit more different than usual. It's about a hole villain organization.

The detective has to find out about their members, investigate their influence in the underworld and their connections to other bands/organizations. The evidence would be easy to obtain but the capture would require more time and they would probably need to hire pro heroes.

Tsukauchi is sitting on the couch at his living room, staring at the huge mess of papers in front of him. It's around 6 pm and the detective has been working the entire day, though it was his day off.

The guys at the police station should hope he doesn't become a villain some day.

As he hears the doorbell ring, Tsukauchi shakes his head and goes to open the door.

"He- Wow you look like a panda." Shouta says, with raised eyebrows.

The other rolls his eyes "Good evening to you too Aizawa. And can you stop commenting on my looks every single time cause same goes for you. Anyways come in."

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