Another night

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He was escaping from those drug dealers who now were chasing him like mad-drunk monkeys. And no. Izuku did not break into their hideout and totally did not explode it. Even if he did (which he did), he had a reason for doing so. One of their members had kidnapped his lovely Kappa. Yeah, HIS FUCKING PHONE CHARM AND FRIEND!

This hole tragedy started when he was dealing with a shithead.

1 hour ago.

Izuku is swinging his legs back and forth like a child while sitting in the rooftop of a two-story building in those old- dark alleyways. It is 2:26 in the morning and it's so boringly peaceful.

Well, duh, it's fucking 2 in the morning- someone would say, but duh again, that's when most criminals or villains tend to act. Not in the fucking daylight.

Scrolling through his phone he hears some noises. Not sure if it is something worth checking on, but welp, Izuku got nothing to do.

He finally gets his hyperactive ass up and jumps hurriedly across the rooftops, something that he does every night and never will get tired of.

As the noises grow closer, Izuku lands on the end of an alley and hides behind a light pole.

A little further away, there’s a man (3 times the boy's size) pointing a knife to an old man's throat (probably in his seventies).

Izuku recognizes the bitch with a knife, cause the latter belongs to a gang called, which the boy admits is a creative name, totally not suspicious.

"Give me your money old man or I'm reuniting you with your mom in the other world" the giant spits out with a threatening voice.

The other gulps in panic, trying to move away from the knife. "B-But my mom is still alive.”

This seems to trigger an ‘Oh’ look at the man, but instantly shakes it away. "Shut up! I'm not joking, give me your money!" He pushes the knife further, nearly piercing through the old man’ skin.

"B-b..." He starts but Ok, this is enough. As much as Izuku wants to just see the old man’s uno reverse cards on play, the boy has to step in because he doesn’t want the latter to end up dead.

"Um, hello?" Izuku cuts off, stepping out of his hiding place and both turn their heads to him.

"W-who are you!? Stay away or I kill him!" The giant shouts alerted as he tightens his grip around the knife.

Izuku smirks under his mask and states happily "What about, you release the old man and I will let you go."

" ..."

There is a beat of silence before the huge man breaks into a hysteric laughter. "Or what? What will you do? Wipe my ass?" Oh, Izuku wants to punch him now. "Besides, what's with the cosplay? A Rabbit fan?" He lets out a few more chuckles.

"Darling, you wouldn’t want to know what I can do to you. And I AM the Rabbit, not a fan, dumbass" Izuku scoffs, clearly annoyed.

"Got it, got it. Now scram before I kill you and the old man together” The man says, switching his attention to the old man again, only to later notice the boy rushing towards him, from the corner of his eyes.

He swings his knife in reflex, but the boy ducks down and spins his legs underneath the man, knocking him to the ground. Izuku grabs the knife and points it to the man's eyes.

"Now, would you like this fan boy to show you what he can do?" He smiles, which makes him look just like the cinnamon roll he is.

Terror quickly washes over the man’s face, paling at the sight of the knife. "S-sorry, I'm sorry don't kill me, I won't do it again!"

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