thirty five | torturous answers

Start from the beginning

"I'm not the monster," said the boy, nearly crying.

"You are. I saw it in a vision at the Weathervane," replied the goth.

"Wait, you're basing all this off some vision you had after we kissed?" He looked at them all, "I mean, is that something you can trust?"

"It's not we kissed," snapped Wednesday. "You kissed me. I didn't reciprocate, I tried pulling away but was sucked into that sickeningly eye-opening vision. So please, don't even think about trying your tricks."

She moved over to the nearby the table, opening out a wrap case of torture tools. It reached to where Juniper was standing, and the goth carefully moved her aside, saying, "One moment, please, cara mia." Before picking Kelpie up from near the sharp scalpels and putting him down on the floor.

"Wednesday, what are you doing?" Asked Bianca, looking at the sharp tools glinting in the dim light.

"Just some light torture. Don't worry, I won't leave a mark," the girl chose two tasers, and looked at the boy menacingly.

"Wait. Are you being serious?" Gasped Ajax.

"There's only one thing that a Hyde understands," explained Wednesday, switching the tasers on. "Pain."

"Wait! No, Wednesday!" Everyone but Juniper protested, "Wednesday!"

The goth didn't listen. She was blinded by anger, for what Tyler did to Thing, for him injuring Juniper, getting Eugene in a coma, everything.

She felt no remorse as she pressed the buzzing tool at his chest, earning a pained scream from him as it buzzed against his skin, making him spasm and shake.

"Slay," shrugged Juniper, arms crossed over her chest, morals and sensitivity leaving her senses, which truthfully scared everyone around her.

They knew she truly hated Tyler, because had it been anyone else, she would have either stopped Wednesday, or run out crying. Yet here...she did neither.

'Good riddance,' she thought, 'that boy is getting what he deserves. He killed Rowan, he got Eugene, the sweetest, kindest boy to exist, in a coma.'

He was terrorising her forest, disturbing all its peace and tranquility, which was something she despised so greatly. That was her temple, her home, her everything. And he was just wreaking havoc where she always sought refuge from the chaos of the world.

"That's it. I'm out!" Exclaimed Yoko, noticing the blank stare Juniper had in her eyes as she looked at the writhing boy before her.

"Us too," said Divina and Kent.

"No," Ajax shook his head and base Juniper a quick goodbye before walking out.

"Wait," said the goth, but she was ignored.

"No, I'm done," said Bianca. "Wednesday, I didn't sign up for this. Let's go to Weems, explain everything."

"Weems won't help," replied the black haired girl. "And Tyler is always one step ahead of his father."

"Then you're on your own," said the siren. She noticed Juniper who was staring coldly at Tyler, who shifted uncomfortably under her scathing gaze. "Not entirely, but you've definitely not got the Nightshades right now."

When she left, Tyler was desperate as he pleaded pathetically, "No, don't leave me here with her, please! I'm begging you, please!"

Juniper sat mutely, watching while Wednesday tazed the boy repeatedly, asking questions.

Finally, she picked up a hammer, about to sock him with it over the head, which Juniper realised could get them in trouble. She walked over to the goth calmly and lowered the girl's hand which was holding the hammer, saying in a gentle voice, "My love, perhaps we can wait for a few minutes before bashing his head in?"

Lowering the hammer by letting her hand go limp, Wednesday groaned, "But I need answers, cara mia. This is the only way I can get them from him."

Juniper gave up and kissed the side of Wednesday's head, moving away to stand against the desk.

However, just as the goth raised her hand up to bring the hammer down on the trapped boy, the doors burst open, and an unpleasant voice boomed out, "Freeze!"

The sheriff and his fellow officers burst in, and the man pointed his gun at Wednesday. Juniper stood in front of her protectively, her green magic curling at her feet and around her wrists menacingly as she hissed, "Take mother step towards her and it will be your last."

"Save your empty threats, tree," snapped the sheriff. "And move before things get bad for you."

At the mention of the derogatory name, Galpin didn't have time to think before Juniper had tackled him to the ground, with her claws digging into his chest.



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Fun fact: Juniper hates being called 'tree' because when the boys attacked her, they called her a tree, so it's triggering when someone calls her that.

Question: One thing you like about Juniper? Comment on this paragraph to lmk <333

G O L D.

Have a fabulous day/night!

With love and hugs,

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