Explaining to the sheriff and meeting derek

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Yn pov

I was with Scott, Stiles and sheriff Stilinski at the police station. They were explaining to the sheriff about the deadpool.

'It's a Deadpool a hitlist for supernatural creatures.' Scott said. 'This is only a part of it the rest still needs to be decoded.'

'Who found this list?' The sheriff asked.

'Lydia.' Replied Stiles back.

'How?' Asked the sheriff wanting to know more.

'She wrote it.' Stiles said. 'Actually she transcribed it without realizing it.' Stiles added to explain it better.

'Banshee?' The sheriff asked.

'Banshee.' Stiles said confirming it.

'Beautiful.' Said the sheriff back.

'Alright what are these numbers next to the names?' The sheriff asked.

'We're getting to that.' Stiles said doing the important information first. 'First you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key.'

'Wait you mean like a key word?' The sheriff asked wanting to get the exact details.

'It's actually a name.' Stiles said back.

'Allison.' Scott said quietly. I knew who Allison was Lydia already explained it to me.

'Her name broke a third of the list.' Stiles explained.

'And now we think there are 2 other cipher keys.' Scott said explaining it further.

'Which will give us more names.' The sheriff said connecting the dots together.'Okay so how do we get the cipher keys?'

'Same way we got the code.' Stiles said.

'Lydia.' Said Scott. 'She's been at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other 2 key words.'

They were now talking about the murders but I kinda zoned out feeling tired.

'117 what?' The sheriff asked.

'Million.' Stiles said. ' 117 million dollars dad, stolen from the Hale vault.'

'Being used by someone who wants every supernatural creature dead in Beacon Hills.' Scott explained.

They were now talking about the murder weapon, but I could barley keep my eyes open so I sat down on a chair and fell asleep instantly. I felt getting picked up, but I was too tired to care. After a while I was being called and shaken awake by no one other than Scott.

'Yn you have to wake up you're at home.' Scott said softly to me.

'Sorry I fell asleep.' I said feeling embarrassed I fell asleep in the chair.

'It's okay just go to your bed and get some sleep.' Scott said while I was getting out of the car going straight to my bed and fell in a dreamless sleep.

I was with Liam and Mason in the locker room just listening to music while they were working out. I did that till Mason hit my foot and pointed to my ears so I would take my headphone off.

'Your brother is crazy.' Was the first I heard Mason saying. 'Look what he is trying to lift.'

I know my brother is a werewolf but he not so good at hiding it if he was willing to lift that.

'Is this about the game?' Mason asked Liam wanting to know what was going on.

'I be fine it is just a scrimmage.' Liam said not worried at all.

'You know who your playing against right?' Asked Mason.

'Yeah.' Said Liam confidently. 'Actually no I kinda missed the announcement.'

''Liam it's your old school, Devenfort prep.' Mason explained.

Liam and I looked at each other I was concerned about Liam and Brett they have always had been bad blood between them after Liam got kicked out of school. Liam was concerned for me because of Noah my ex who cheated on my the day of our 6 month anniversary. He is also on the team so he will be there.

Me and Liam were in the locker room looking for his lacrosse stick.

'Do you know we're it is?' Liam asked me.

Before I could answer we heard some footsteps and decided to check it out. A middle aged man was the with black hair. In his hands was the lacrosse stick of Liam.

'Is this yours?' The unknown man asked. Before we could say anything he snapped it in half. That angered Liam before I knew it Liam went to attack the guy. The man had fast reaction to it and grabbed Liam by the neck and threw him against the lockers. That angered me I didn't even realize that I had threw a red power ball against the man that threw him back.

 That angered me I didn't even realize that I had threw a red power ball against the man that threw him back

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Suddenly I hear Scott talking.

'Liam this is yours.' Scott said holding Liam's lacrosse stick. 'Yn calm down.'

'How did I do that?' I asked shocked looking at the man who was beginning to get up.

'You're right he is angry.' The man said to Scott talking about Liam.

'This is yours.' Scott said to Liam talking about the lacrosse stick. Than the school bell rang. 'Get to class.' Said Scott now talking to the both of us. Liam had walked out but I stayed where I was.

'I have a free period can I just stay with you?' I asked Scott.

'Sure you can stay here.' He said to me before looking at the unknown man.

'You're getting good at this.' The man said to Scott.

'Are you kidding me I'm totally unprepared for this.' Scott said back. 'Remember how you said that you could teach me a few things? I think right now I could us a full teaching manual.'

'I teach you one thing the anger that he's got and the protective side that she has, it makes them strong but also dangerous. Very.' The man said looking at me briefly when he mentioned me, but saw that I wasn't listening anyway cause I was listening to music.

Scott tapped me on the arm showing he wanted me to listen.

'Yn this is Derek he helped me when I was a werewolf and he can maybe help figure out what you are.' Scott said to me.

'I have never seen anyone with that power before but maybe there is something in one of the books from my mom.' Derek said to us. 'I look into it and will text Scott if I found something.' He said to me.

'Thank you.' I said appreciating that he was willing to help even if he didn't know me. After I said that he walked out of the locker room leaving just me and Scott.

'I'm scared.' I said to Scott. 'I didn't even realize that I hit Derek with my power, I don't know how to control this.'

'You know with the control part werewolves and what you are, is really similar. Do you think a werewolf can hold control on the first fun moon? Scott said to me before continuing. 'They can't but the more experience they get, the easier the control gets. For you it means the same thing. The more you practice it, the more control you get. And remember you're not alone in this. The whole pack is there to help you.'

'Thank you I needed that.' I said while giving him a hug grateful for the pep-talk.

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