I'm not sure who was more annoying at the arcade, Chan or me. If we didn't pick a fight was pure self-control... or luck. But it was on us because we played tricks on the other to make it lose. And Chan was really good at making fun of you too.

After sending a couple of hours there, Chan took me for a walk at Yeouido Hangang Park. I followed him happily.

Chan and I were walking aimlessly enjoying the weather, which was perfect for a lazy walk, while we were talking about him wanting to fly his drone after a long time when I noticed a familiar spot. It took me a moment to realize it was the park where some scenes from Start Up were filmed. I had Chan taking pictures within a minute.

"Take one with me, take one with me", I ran to him trying to drag him near the river so the view would appear in the picture.

"Ah, why?" He sighed and complained but didn't fight back and followed me with a smile.

"Please, please, please, please, please" I repeated until we were ready to take the selfies.

We took quite a few, after all, seems like Chan did want to do it in the end. He even took some himself.

"Oh, I got an idea". I turned to him while we were checking my camera roll.

"What's it?"He looked at me.

"Can you take photos with your drone?"

"Ah! I know what you're thinking about! I'd have to get permission".

"Is it possible? Is it difficult?" I was excited already.

"Let's do it next time I have a free day".

"Ok! You just have to tell me, I can reschedule almost everything during the week too".

With that, our conversation went back to drones. I didn't know much about it so Chan explained things about them, some differences, and why and how he had to get authorization to use it. I was almost sure that you could do it whenever you feel like it in California.

We headed home and bought lunch on our way. It was burger day.

No offense intended but every time I had a burger in Korea, I missed the ones from home. I think American burgers were way better, probably because they were fattier.

Since the day before I couldn't bake cookies as I planned, I asked Chan if he wanted some and ended up making them together.

I have to say something spurred inside me watching Chan making his way into the kitchen.

With freshly baked cookies and tea, we sat in front of the TV and started to watch anime together. We have wanted to watch one together for a while but never got to decide which one. I was not really into shonen, that was what Chan watched the most so we logged in to Crunchyroll and spent a while reading resumes and watching trailers until we picked the one.

"Whoa! It's better than I thought". I said stretching myself once the fourth episode was over.

"I told you! Don't you dare to watch it alone though", he sipped on his bottle of water.

"I won't", rolled my eyes. "Pause it, please. I need to use the bathroom". I waddle out of the room quickly. I lost count of how many cups of tea I'd drank already.

"Mia", Chan called me when I was getting out of the bathroom.

"Hm?" I turned to him and he patted the sit next to him. I thought he was hurrying me so I quickly went back.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute". He stopped me when I was about to play the next episode.

"Did something happen?" I looked at him, he looked serious.

"I've been trying to find the chance for this but I couldn't", he took a small box from behind his back. "Happy birthday, again", he said with a smile.

"Really?" I exclaimed looking at the little black box with a white bow. "I got worried", I give him a light slap on his tight before taking the box. "Thank you, thank you so much. You didn't have to".

"Of course I did", he giggled.

"Can I open it?" It was a silly question, I was opening it already. "Oh my God, thank you!" It was a silver bracelet with little half-moons hanging from it. Chan knew I spent every night I couldn't sleep watching the moon, or even when was just bored, I would stick my head out of the window and stare at it until I felt sleepy. "It's so pretty". I said trying to put it on.

"Give it to me", he took it from my hand and did it for me. "I thought about buying you an oven, glad I didn't", both laughed but I guess for two different reasons.

"I really like it, but you didn't have to".

"Ah, I would have felt like the worst boyfriend ever", he said a bit shyly dropping his head and caressing his knee. I knew I had the dumbest smile on my face, and he being that cute didn't help at all. "Thank you", I kissed him on the cheek. And the next thing I knew, he was using my lap as a pillow while we kept watching Nier Automata.

Beyond Us [Bangchan] [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now