XIV - Force

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~ Max POV ~

El had flipped us around after I gave her exactly what she wanted. I was curious what she was planning to do, since she told me she wanted to try something new with me. I figured it was going to be a, you know, new position or something. But that was clearly not what she had in mind. At least, not quite. "Are you okay with me using my powers on you?" El asked with a slight smirk. As if she had plans to use them already. "What do you mean use your powers on me? You want to throw me across the room?" I joke a I bite my lip as I look her up and down. She was still naked. She looks so incredibly good that it was hard for me not to touch her right Now. "No, I would never do that to you." El confirms. "Although- I might be into that. Because what you did in those showers-my god." I state as my body felt all weak thinking about it. "It's going to be different, and I don't know if it'll work. But are you willing to try?" She asks me again to really make sure that I was okay with whatever was going to happen. I nod. I trusted her more then anyone or anything else.

"You'd have to do exactly as I say." El states as she crawls ontop of me. "Will do." I smirk as I kiss her lips as she brushes her finger over my neck. "Good. Lay very still. And try to relax." She explains as she moves down to my feet. "I'm trying to do anything but relax right now love, but whatever you say." I grin as I did as she told me too. I relax my body as I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. "Close your eyes and focus on me and me only." She states as I felt her hands on my thighs. I didn't know what she was planning, which made me slightly nervous, but also excited. I nod in responds and close my eyes. I felt her hands let go of me as the feeling of her hands were still lingering there. A few moments go by as I couldn't feel her. I was getting confused, but decided to wait it out a little longer. Suddenly I felt warmth on my thighs again. I smile slightly as I swear it were her hands I was feeling, but the sensation of the warmth traveled up to my area so unnaturally that it couldn't be her hands. I frown slightly as I kept my eyes closed. I couldn't feel her fingers or anything, but I was so certain that I felt the warmth continue into me. It felt weirdly unfamiliar, but really good at the same time. "El what is going on?" I ask as I felt my heart beat faster as I felt the pressure inside me build and the warmth spread out. "Just focus on me Max." She says as I didn't know what that meant, since I didn't know what I was feeling. "But this doesn't feel like you. Hm-" I moan softly as it did feel good. "I promise you it is." She confirms. I nod softly as I let the feeling in more. As soon as I did that it felt even stronger. It felt like the warmth was moving my walls from the inside. The pressure got bigger as it felt like it filled up all the space inside. "Ah- El what-" I moan as it made me go crazy. I arch my back as it went deeper inside of me. "How does it feel love?" She asks with a teasing tone. "It feels- hm fuck- so good." I moan as I desperately wanted to know what was making me feel this way. "You want me to continue?" El asks as I nod eagerly. "Yes, please." I beg as the force inside me moves back and forth. It felt like it was everywhere in and outside rubbing the right spots. It made my eyes roll to the back of my head as I arche my back even more as my hand moved to my area to feel what was going on. "Touching yourself now are you?" El grins. "I need-hm- to know what's happening." I moan. "Open your eyes if you desperately need to know." El states with a teasing tone. I open my eyes as I look down. I didn't see El on my body. What I did see was El a few inches away with her hand out, with blood coming from her nose. "Are- ah- you using your powers inside of me?" I ask as I saw that she was fully focused on me. She replies with a smirk as the force inside me moves back and forth faster. "How?" I moan. El her bloody nose became a little heavier as I saw it come out of both of her nostrils now. But at the same time the warmth and pressure inside me filled every possible space inside me. Moving along. "I'm- FUCK-close." I moan loudly as I couldn't control myself anymore. "Whenever you're ready love." She states with a smirk as I felt my walls close. I came right on queue as the pressure and warmth disappeared from my body within that same moment. El put her hand down as she looked at me with a satisfied face.

"Are you okay?" She asked me after I caught my breath. I sat up as I smirk at her. "I'm more then good. Are you? Your the one bleeding." I point out. "I'm great. I'm happy It worked out." She smiles as she crawls back up to me and kisses my lips to then lay her head on my chest to hear my heartbeat. "I knew your powers were incredible, but this wasn't what I expected." I chuckles softly. As I look down at El she had closed her eyes. This must have exhausted her. I smile softly as I carefully get out under her to lay her on a pillow. I put on some panties and a shirt and grab some tissues to carefully clean up El her blood of her face as she was already half asleep. I put on some underwear and a shirt on her too to make sure that if someone were to come in in the morning we wouldn't be- you know. Naked. "Hm, come back I miss you." She mumbled sleep drunk. I smile as I crawl back into bed as I pull her close again. Her laying down at the same spot as before. I pull the blankets over us as I kiss her forehead. "Goodnight my wonder woman."


//AN: Hope you liked the end of the smut ;) This story in coming to an end soon since I want to focus on my other stories more and I have no more ideas for this story. So I hope you all have enjoyed these 2 books. Since it was for sure my favorite to write. Don't worry this isn't the last chapter, but expect a few more before the book comes to a close.

I love you all and thank you for the wonderful support for the Is this love? And the This is love story. <33

I hope you'll continue to read my other stories. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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