I - Nervous

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~ Eleven POV ~

It was getting late as I was packing the last things into my backpack for tomorrow. "Are you ready for tomorrow kid?" Hopper asked me with a smile. He just walked into the living room as everyone else already headed to their room. I meet my dad his eyes as I was thinking about his question. Was I ready? I wasn't sure. I had so many different thoughts and feelings going through my mind as I thought about tomorrow. My first day at school, here in Hawkins. I wasn't sure what to feel. Was I supposed to be nervous or excited? Or both? I have all my books ready to go. All my supplies are packed in my backpack and my outfit for tomorrow was already picked out as wel. So technically I was more then ready for tomorrow, but I just didn't feel ready. I was afraid I was going to be bullied again at this school and stand out so much that I would feel miserable again as I did at my old school in California. But I told myself it would be different this time. This time there was no Angela and my dad was here.

This time I had Max.

"I think so. Just a bit nervous." I admit as I fiddle with the sleeve of the flannel I had on over one of Max her t-shirts. "You're going to do great kid. I know it. You have fought real monsters, this should be a piece of cake for you." He smiles kindly as he ruffled my hair with his large hand. "A piece of cake?" I ask confused as I didn't understand what he meant by that. "It's a saying. If something is a piece of cake, it means it's super easy." Hopper explains as I give him a quick nod. "I understand. Thank you dad." I gave him a weak smile as I still felt nervous about tomorrow. It wasn't just how others were going to treat me were I was worried about. It was also school itself. I wasn't really as smart as most of the kids at school. I was smart in other ways, but not in spelling and maths and such. I wasn't really a star at school back in California, but that might also be because I felt miserable at the same time. I was happy and content at the moment, so maybe it would be different this time.

"Common kiddo cheer up. I've seen you close portals to another dimension with your mind. So I'm sure you can do anything with that mind of yours if you work hard and put your mind to it." Hopper states as he meets my eyes. When I look into his eyes, I knew he meant it. He was right, I can do this. Besides, I have many people surrounding me who won't hesitate to help me if I didn't understand something. My dad, Joyce, Will, even the other boys and many more like Steve and Robin and ofcourse, my one and only girlfriend, Max.

Max. She was doing good. Very good even. I haven't seen her this happy since, well, ever. She keeps saying how happy she is to live with me and my family. How at home she feels and at peace. She was still the same old sarcastic Max, but she became more confident overtime. She's been playing DND with the hellfire club every weekend. At first she thought it was stupid, but now I think she might even like it a little bit, but she won't admit that. I've been going with her to support her and to hang out with our friends and I do have to say that it's very enjoyable, watching them play this game, bickering about almost every decision. And Max being Max, she likes to tease people in and outside the game, so she makes it others more difficult than it has to be. Mostly Mike his character, which I find quite funny actually. She's also been telling me everyday that she loves me and how thankful she is for me and that she can kiss me and fall asleep next to me every night. Ofcourse I say those things to her as well. I find it cute that she only shows her sensitive side to mostly me. She's been the sweetest most amazing girlfriend in the world. Talking about the sweetest most amazing girlfriend in the world, she came walking down the stairs in a large oversized t-shirt and some pj shorts, looking at me with her perfect ocean blue eyes. Her ginger wavy hair falling over her shoulders perfectly. She stands still on the last step of the stares as she smiles at me.

"Don't worry to much kid. You're going to do great. Now stop nervously checking everything for the third time and go to bed, your girlfriend is waiting on you. She wants you to sleep too." Hopper chuckles softly as he smiles at Max. Max smiles back as she gave a small nod. "Come to bed El, you need your rest. It's going to be alright. I'll be with you the whole day. I promise." Max smiles as she meets my eyes. My nerves instantly relax as I knew she was telling the truth. She will be there with me and that made everything sound way less scary. "alright." I chuckle softly as I turn to my dad to wish him goodnight. I gave him a big hug as her ruffles his hand through my hair once more while returning my hug. "Goodnight dad and thank you." I smile as I pull back. "No worries kid. Have a good night. I'll wake you two up at 7 for breakfast." He smiles softly as he looks at both me and Max. "Goodnight Hop." Max smiles a she gave him a little wave. "Night kid." He smiles as walks over to the kitchen were he grabs himself a drink.

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