chapter sixteen

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Crystal and Jo were focusing on the makeup while Lucy was going to do her hair. I plugged the curler in and watched as they asked her a million questions to make sure she was comfortable with what they were doing.

"So do you have a date?" I asked, earning a look. Crystal chastised her since she had to fix the eyeliner.

"No. I'm going to hang out with a few friends that I've made," she admitted, a blush tinting her cheeks.

I narrowed my eyes. "Did someone ask you?" I questioned, knowing I was right.

"Yeah, I said no," she admitted, a sad look in her eyes.

Jo gasped. "Why'd you say no?" She asked, a small sigh coming from Katie. My little sister hesitated for a moment.

"He kind of reminds me of James."

Shivers crawled up my spine as everyone tossed a glance my way. "How so?" I asked, my voice even.

She shrugged, narrowly missing the hot curling iron Lucy had dangerously close to the towel. "He's very full of himself, but yet charming. Although he actually has a brain on him," she explained, a dreamy look in her eyes. Is that the way I look when I talk about Luke?

I took a deep breath. "The thing about James was that he wanted to keep us hidden. There was no room to talk when it came to that. It's in their actions and how they treat you," I softly told her, trying not to overwhelm her. This is all new and all of the relationships that she has seen have been disastrous.

"Look how Luke treats your sister," Lucy added, my eyes flicking to her. "He sings to her every night. He calls when he says he's going to. He checks in on her all the time. He'll do anything to make sure she's happy. He'll -"

"I think she gets the point," I cut her off, my cheeks heating. I knew he did all of that but to have someone list it all out makes me happy. All the girls snickered at me.

"And they're not even dating yet," Jo added, making me kick her in the shoulder.

"But what if he treats others badly? Not that he does but I'm so confused," Katie asked, closing her eyes when Crystal told her to.

"That's up to you," Jo told her. "But you have to make sure you are comfortable knowing that he'll treat others horribly. It might make you uneasy and that's not a good thing either."

"Done!" Crystal exclaimed, cutting off the rest of the conversation. Katie would just keep asking questions and never go to the dance if we didn't cut it.

She looked beautiful. "Let me take a picture for Mom," I said before taking more than one. She wanted one with all of us because if we didn't insist she wouldn't go.

We took a selfie before Crystal and I ushered her into the car. The rest were going to watch a movie while we were gone. The closer we got to the school Katie visibly got tenser.

"Katie, relax. You'll have fun," I told her, looking back at her in the middle mirror.

"I know. I'm just nervous I guess," she mumbled, moving a strand of hair.

"You don't have to be. Just go in there and have fun with your friends," Crystal said, giving her a bright smile. That seemed to ease my sister a bit.

Crystal pulled the car next to the curb and Karie got out. I rolled my window down to remind her to message Nom, but a boy stepped forward with a pink daisy in his hand - Katie's favorite flower.

"Katie," she turned with wide eyes. "I know you said you didn't want to come to the dance with me but I figured I would ask one more time and if you do not want to after this then I promise that I will leave you alone and -"

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