Mysterious murder

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It was midnight. Everyone was sleeping with their sweet dreams. All the towns were drowned in the dark. There was silence everywhere.

Suddenly a strange but low in frequency sound arises. The sound was so low that it can't affect the sleep of anyone in their house but if we hear it from near we can feel that the sound indicates the presence of someone, who was walking slowly while grabbing something in his hand. It can't be seen clearly, feels like a shadow of something in the dark.

He walked slowly trying to not to make any sound, suddenly he stop at front of one house and check it's surrounding when he finds nobody their he slide his hand in his pocket and when he brings that out their was something in his hand, without wasting a second he through that thing in the house. A little sound of something striking the ground was heard then a white smoke surrounded the entire house where it was thrown.

After 10 minutes of waiting the smoke disappeared so he again checked around and jumped high in the air and grabbed the top of the wall and soon he jumped in the garden of the house while making a little sound. The main house was at the center while the garden was spread all around it.
The thing which he was holding in his hand before was now hanging on his back and in the little glimpse of the light emerging from the house it can be seen the thing to be in the shape of an axe.

He immediately again grabbed his axe and looked around to make sure that no one got to know about his presence and was in their deep sleep. Even after a while nobody shows he feels relaxed that his sleeping smoke may have already made the members of the family into deep sleeping and now he can do what he gets here.

He strong his grab on the axe and move forward to the house. His face was determined to fulfil his words.


In the early morning there was big shocking news for everyone when they got to know about the incident with Mr. Saar's family.
Mr. Saar's family had only three members Mr. Saar his wife Mrs. Saar and their only son. They were a happy and rich family of the society and nobody ever saw them to be rude or disrespectful, they never made any trouble for anyone because of their power and everyone loved them.

But today nobody can understand what actually happened, today early in the morning when their son Leo returned from his trip, he entered the house but there was silence everywhere. The silence surprised him because he had already told his parents last night that he was gonna return today and every time whenever he returned from any trip he found his parents to be waiting for him but today it was not like usual that surprised him.

He put his bag in the launch and started calling his parents but nobody was answering, the cars were also parked in the garage so it was also not possible that his parents went anywhere. He searches around and when approach his parents room to search, as he opens the door a scream emerges from his mouth, with fear.

His screaming was this much louder than his neighbour's uncle who was passing in front of his house heard that and rushed in to see what happened and when he also reached there he got shocked.

The Scene which they both see was unbelievable, his parents were on their bed but they were not sleeping but were dead. The blood from their body was already spread around the room and on the white bed sheets making it horrible, their necks were also separate from their body and were kept on the top of the bed crown, he could see his parents eyes wild open in shock, pain and fear.

He can't control his self anymore and falls on the ground. His neighbour's uncle whose name was William also gets shocked after seeing this scene and when Leo falls down he remembers about his presence and immediately sees what happened to him. Leo becomes unconscious as he can handle the fearness of what he sees.
Mr. William took him to a couch and laid him there and checked his heart beat, his heartbeat was badly increased but he was not in danger. He leaves him there and immediately rushed outside to get some help.

Suddenly he start feeling as someone was crying near him, he can't identify the sound but he can identify that it was sound of a female. He can't understand his surroundings sounds as with crying their were also sounds as presence of manh people who were walking, talking and some of them were crying.

He slowly open his eyes and sounds become much clear, they were coming from near. He saw around so he found his self in his room. First he got confused that how he reached here then suddenly he remembered everything and immediately stood up of his bed and rushed out of his room. Outside in the lounch he finds many of his neighbours with police officers who were asking questions from them. Their was no entry tape stick at front of his parents room.

Yet he was seeing this all when someone called him, "you okay Leo?" He saw towards the sound so it was the head of the police department, George. He knows their family well and had a good bounding with eachother.

Leo just nod his head in yes, he was not feeling his self to say something. He step down the stairs towards George who was also waiting for him to get their.

"Are you alright" George ask, while placing his hand on his shoulder

"Y..yes" Leo said in low sound, he was facing his face downwards, trying his best to control his self in front of others.

George also understands him but he can't comfort him like normal because yet he was on duty. He start asking questions from Leo about the incident and Leo tell everything from start to end what happened. He told that he was gone for a short trip with his friends and when today he returned how he found his parents like this.

George tries to say something when someone called him. He turned around and found that person to be Mr. William.

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