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Over the next few weeks, you became acquainted with the other members of the demon slayer club, a club who's meetings you were still hesitant on attending.

It was partly because you didn't want to be judged, and also because it was a club dedicated to the study of the killing of your kind.

Though you didn't blame them, the demons of old were horrible beings.

Each of the members were definitely... unique. Yes, unique was a good way to describe them.

You wouldn't say that things were bad between you and them, but you definitely wouldn't call them your 'friends,' excluding Tanjiro and Giyuu of course.

Tanjiro urged you to speak up more, hoping that you'd find more friends in the club, but to be quite honest, you didn't see that happening.

There just wasn't too much in common with you and the other members, and you weren't really able to interact with them as much as he'd like.

But what could you do about it?

It was a nice overcast day outside, not too sunny, but not too bright. During times like these, you like to go out and explore the world, free from having to apply sunscreen.

Today seemed to be especially lucky for you though, as you were able to find a pale serpent slithering across the bottom of a fence.

And lucky you, it was an albino! Something pretty hard to find out in the wild.

You carefully approached it, gently holding it in your hand. To your surprise, it was very docile, and even friendly? It was a bit odd seeing a snake seem so... nice?

Maybe nice wasn't the right word. Rather, it was surprisingly not-angry. It didn't seem to particularly like you, but didn't hate you either.

Those factors combined let you know that it wasn't a wild snake, and was probably someone's pet.

You sat there for a while, just examining the snake. You had a gut feeling that it's owner was looking for it, so you decided the best course of action was the just stay put.

Then you spotted a familiar looking boy in the distance, who seemed quite distressed. He checked around the trees, underneath rocks, but he just couldn't seem to find what he was looking for.

The snake in your hand began to stir, and you were able to put two and two together, approaching the masked male.

"Iguro-senpai? Would you happen to be looking for a snake?"

You held out the snake in front of him, who seemed to be delighted to be back with its owner.

Obanai grabbed the snake from your hands, letting it slither around his shoulders. A wave of relief waved over him at being reunited with his beloved pet,
"Kaburamaru! I've been looking all over for you!"

That's when he realized you were still there. He also realized that you just saw him talking to his snake. In public.

Any blush would be hidden by the mask he wore, though the slight quiver in his eyes gave away his embarrassment.

A gentle smile was present on your face, almost as if you were afraid of scaring him away.
"Don't be embarrassed, talking to your pet is completely normal,"

"I-I know that!"
He hastily replied.

There were a few awkward moments of silence after that. The two of you had barely interacted before now, and you always got the impression that he wasn't really open to making new friends.

But Tanjiro must have infected you with some disease or something, because in that moment, you decided you'd achieve friendship with the snake owner.

"So what type of snake is it? I was never really the best at telling them apart,"

He seemed a bit shocked you were interested in his little friend, but he answered you none the less,
"Kaburamaru's an albino rat snake (IM NOT COMPLETELY SURE IF THATS TRUE IM GUESSING HERE),"

"Neat! By the looks of it, you're an amazing owner as well. I've never seen a snake that docile before,"

The snake slithered down his arm and onto his hand, almost as if it wanted to get closer to you.

A strange feeling filled his chest from the compliment.
"I've had him for a long while now. Maybe that's why,"

The conversation ended there, and more silence ensued, although it was a little less awkward than before.

"Well, I should probably get going, I don't want to keep you and Kaburamaru away from home for too long,"
You began to turn around, ready to go home.

Then you heard his voice.
"I can show you his enclosure if you want..."

This was a big step for someone like him. To be quite honest, he'd only ever had one other person over to his house before, and even then, that was a very long time ago.

But here he was, inviting someone who was pretty much a stranger to his house, just because they showed interest in something he liked.

Your eyes squinted slightly as a smile cracked on your lips,
"I'd like that,"

Everyone is out of character that's my bad NEXT CHAPTER YOU GO TO HIS HOUSE

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