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To say that Giyuu was freaking out would be an understatement. What the hell did he just witness? He ran as fast as his legs could take him, which wouldn't be too far soon, as he felt like he was on the brink of collapse.

He knew what you were. And he knew what he'd be if you caught him.

But alas, his legs finally gave out, and he soon found himself trapped to the ground by your arms. This definitely wasn't how he was expecting it to go.

And then he started crying. Like, full on sobbing. It was so surprising to you that you couldn't help but try and wipe some of the tears off of his face.

"Senpai, why're you crying?"
You asked, as if there wasn't an obvious answer.

You expected him to plead for his life.

"I thought I finally had a friend again... one that I made all by myself"
You definitely weren't expecting this.

He continued, tears flowing out of his eyes for the wrong reasons,
"But it was all just so you could eat me, wasn't it? You never thought of me as a friend, did you?"

What you did next felt like a pretty stupid thing to do, but you wanted to comfort the crying upperclassman as much as you could. You used your arms to pull him up from the ground, holding him gently in a hug.

You tried not to hug him too tightly, otherwise you'd squeeze the life out of him, but this still felt nice.

"That's not true Giyuu. I became your friend because I like you. Plus, I don't even eat people!"

You weren't sure if he thought you were being truthful or not, but either way, you needed to get him home.

You stood up from the ground, holding Giyuu in a bridal carry.

"I'm taking you home, senpai. Could you tell me your address?"

After a little hesitation, he whispered it to you, and he barely had enough time to wonder how you'd carry him all the way there before you started to sprint.

But you seemed much faster than you should. In fact, it almost seemed inhuman! Well no duh.

You helped Giyuu onto his feet, dusting him off, but you noticed something strange. All the lights in his house were off. It wouldn't have been too strange if it weren't for the fact that it wasn't even late in the night.

But maybe they both just worked during the night?

"My parents aren't home too often..."

Well now you felt bad for asking.

"It was usually just me and my sister, but then she went to college..."

And now you felt even worse.
Just how could you make the situation better?

"Hey senpai, I know this may sound weird considering everything that's just happened, but how about I spend the night? Keep you company?"

He gave you a suspicious look,
"You're not planning to eat me, are you?"

You laughed, which ended up sounding a bit too wicked for your liking, making you have to reassure him that no, you were not going to consume him.

After a quick trip back to your house, you had brought all of your sleeping gear with you to Giyuu's house, ready for the sleepover.

Without the moonlight's glow, you were able to turn back to your normal form, although you did seem less tired than usual.

There was a foreign warm feeling within Giyuu's chest. When was the last time he ever had a friend over? He still was a little cautious of you, but he enjoyed your company.

Strangely enough though, he didn't question you about anything related to your being a demon, something which you found quite refreshing considering the last person who found out.

He was just glad he had a friend. Even if that friend happened to be a demon.

Though considering what had happened earlier, you asked him if he wanted a hug, to which he accepted.

Do to you being in your human form, you were able to hug him as tightly as you wanted, something which he very much enjoyed.

He found it a bit odd how you brought your entire bed to his house, but hey, whatever helped you sleep at night.

You exchanged good nights before he turned his lamp off. And tonight, he wouldn't have to go to sleep alone. Tonight, he'd dream softly.

Do u want more characters to be sad or smth cuz I could totally do that I love making people sad

Modern Demon (Modern!KnY x M!Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin