Prologue - Briefing

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3 Hours Before Deployment

Dagger straightened out his jacket as he walked briskly towards the command center. He checked the time on his watch as he did so. He walked through the security doors into the center.

Bustling around him are operators that compile and optimize all data that flows in through their sources. A select few are even trusted with the task of overseeing missions carried out by the various forces. The center is located below grounds in order to ensure its maximum secrecy as well as security. 

As Dagger walked through the doors, he could see the Commander standing in front of the giant monitor that covers the whole front wall of the room, talking to someone. On it, various smaller screens cluster it, each one having different statuses, such as a radar on one and the overhead view of the surrounding area outside on another. The Commander and the person he was talking to turned around as Dagger approached.

"Glad you could make it, captain. Hope I didn't ruin your beauty sleep," he said.

"No, sir," Dagger replied as he stood in front of him.

The Commander motioned his head over to the other person. "This is Agent Perry Davis, callsign "Platypus"," he says as the person next to him nods to Dagger. "He's here to give us intel on an upcoming mission,"

"Right. About two weeks ago, MI6 picked up a strong electromagnetic signal in the middle-east. I was stationed in Kabul at the time, so they tasked me with the job of locating its source. This is what I managed to find,"

Behind him, the monitor changed to an image of a circular device:

Behind him, the monitor changed to an image of a circular device:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Captain, I assume you know what this is?" he asked Dagger.

"Yes, sir. A Time-Space Augmented Relocation (T.S.A.R) device, capable of relocating whole platoons to any place on the Earth at the cost of a long charge time,"

"Correct, captain,"

"If I may ask, sir. I thought all T.S.A.R devices were destroyed during Operation Javelin?"

"We thought so too, until Agent Perry showed us this,"

The monitor then changed to show several pictures of a red shipping container attached to the back of a KAT II Truck. One of them showed several armed troops unloading it and another showed a glimpse of the device inside the container.

"I managed to get wind of the device being transported into the city. I relayed this back to MI6 and they passed it up to you lot," Perry said as the monitor switched to a satellite scan of the city of Kabul.

"Alright, so what's the mission?"

"According to our intel, the shipment is due to arrive in 2 hours. Your team will deploy at Waypoint Zulu and hold position around the main road. Once you've located the convoy, tail it to its destination-"

"Tail it?" Dagger asked.

"Yes, captain. The convoy will be heavily defended from any ambushes so a direct confrontation is not advised,"

"How heavily defended?"

"The intel I've gathered on the convoy has mentioned to deploy multiple Rapid Assault Vehicles (R.A.V) mounted with .50 cals to act as a patrol," Perry said.

"Oooh...that doesn't sound pretty,"

"It doesn't, which is why you need to tail the convoy from a safe distance until it reaches its destination. Intel confirms at least 3 possible locations for the shipment to be transported to, designated Alpha-"

A two-story building surrounded by emplaced machine-guns.


A warehouse that looks heavily guarded.

"-and Charlie,"

An abandoned military hanger that has seen recent enemy activity.

"Once you have confirmation that the convoy has unloaded the target at the destination, you and your team will assault the target building, secure it and radio for evac,"

"This isn't going to be easy, captain, as I also saw several of those troops with this new weapon,"

The monitor flashed again to show the weapon:

The monitor flashed again to show the weapon:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Isn't that the AK 94, commander?"

"It is, captain,"

"I thought it was still being tested in its prototype phase,"

"It was, until after your previous operation, which saw to it that many troops were given the newer AK 94 as opposed to using the AK 47," Perry said.

"Exercise caution, captain. These AKs are chambered in 7.65x53mm, thus they pack more power than the standard 7.62x39mm used in the AK 47. They are designed to shred through any weak cover/structure they come into contact with,"

"Noted," Dagger said.

"Once your evac arrives, load the device onto it and exfil out of there. Our tech team will work to dismantle the device without it going off,"

Dagger nodded his head.

"Ok. I'll go and prep the team-"

"Your team isn't available at the moment, captain. Volt, Tank and Eagle are on a snatch-and-grab mission in South America while Stryker and Hunter are on a joint operation with Task Force Búho of the Armed Forces of the Dominican Republic. We would send in Phantom with you, but he's the only pilot we have on hand that can perform a hot extraction," the commander said

"So who do I go in with?"


The Commander passed him a tablet. On it showed a list of names, with their ranks, proficiencies and callsigns:

> MSgt. Annabelle "Boon" Boonra - Support Gunner. [Fox 2]
> Lt. Marcus "Marc" Garcia - Rifleman. [Fox 3]
> Spc. Nathaniel "King" Kingston - Engineer. [Fox 4]
> Sgt. Louis "Louie" Smith - Sniper. [Hawk 1]
> Cpl. Liam "Cricket" Green - Sniper. [Hawk 2]
> Spc. Andrea "Blight" Markinsov - Recon. [Fox 5]

Dagger raised his eye at one of the names. "Boon?"

"I know she can be a bit of a pickle when it comes to stealth missions, but trust me when I say that you'll need the firepower should things go sideways for you,"

He thought about it for a moment, before nodding.

"Ok. I'll brief the team on our way to the drop-off point,"

"Wheel's up in 5 mikes. Good luck, captain,"

The Ghost, The Mercs and Mcgeeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن