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Makoto had gotten used to hiding. It was easy to wear a hat that he could pull down over his ears. But his tail? That had been a bigger challenge. He had found that baggy clothes were usually enough but he still had to be careful. He was different and he wasn't sure why. It was something he had gotten used to. His parents never really explained it to him, he just had to accept it. But in high school, just accepting it was a lot more difficult than before. He was always that kid who always wore a hat even inside. Sure he had friends, well Haru. They'd hang out but Makoto was always afraid of getting too close. The hardest part was that he had a huge crush on the most handsome guy in school. Hiding being gay was easier than hiding his cat ears and tail. Even if his crush magically felt the same way, there was no way Makoto could ever be with someone, they'd definitely see that he was an animorph. And so Makoto was content to spend his life alone.

Sousuke had always been quiet. He felt like he always heard and saw the same things. People never changed. Generation after generation, people were still the judgmental assholes they always were. He'd spent the last century living in an abandoned house. It wasn't so much abandoned as it was in the family but unoccupied. He had grown so tired of everything and that was why he became such a recluse. But his elders found out about his skulking around and forced him to go to high school. And so he was forced to sit in the same classrooms as the other teenage monsters even though he was older than everyone at the school and knew more than the teachers did. He just used it as time to observe people. Girls were always around him because he had looks to die for. But he wasn't interested, never had been. There was only one person he was interested in and that was because they always kept to themselves. Sousuke knew that they were hiding something, he could sense it. Sousuke wanted to know what his secret was and so he found himself following the tall brunette up the stairs at lunch. "Yo, Tachibana."

[A/N: lemme know if you want more! :) ]

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