Maia raised an eyebrow. "You planned that?"

"Not really," he said, chuckling. "But I had a feeling this setup wasn't going to do it for you and when you didn't realize I put the ring on, I just went with it."

"Well it worked because you two look like the real deal," Faye said with a proud grin on her face. "Do you mind if I use your office again? I want to get a brief typed up and send these photos off to the marketing team. The agency's already being inundated with calls."

"Yeah that's fine." Mateo nodded. "Make yourself at home, Faye."

"Great. I'll email these to your press secretary I spoke to earlier, what's her name again?"

"Floris and I hope she was civil with you. She's usually pretty short with me."

Faye smirked. "With your background, I can imagine you make her job a bit difficult, but she was cool. I like her."

"Do you need me to help with anything?" Maia said. "I feel bad that you're handling all of this and you haven't slept since you got here."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm your agent. I didn't come out here for vacation and Mateo hooked up his office with a big pot of coffee and plenty of snacks for me," Faye said, patting Maia's shoulder. "But you and Mateo can help by creating some content for your socials to back up these pictures."

"Yeah, we can handle that," Maia said, taking Faye's hand. "But just like you worry about me eating, I worry about you working too much. You need to sleep at some point."

"I will, I promise. We'll go back to your place once I'm done handling the media, alright?"

Maia nodded. "Okay. I'm going to hold you to that."

"I know you will," she said, squeezing her hand. "Now get on with that content and make it look sickeningly cute."

"We'll try, but I'm with Maia, if you need to sleep, I've got plenty of rooms for you to crash in."

"Thank you and I promise I will if I need to," Faye said as she grabbed her coat from the chair by the door. "But right now I need to take care of this."

Maia sighed as Faye closed the door of the terrace behind her. "She's not going to sleep at all."

"Sounds like someone I know. You two are as bad as each other," Mateo said, threading his fingers through hers. "I like Faye, she's a good sister and a hell of an agent."

"Yeah, she is," Maia said as they crossed the room and sat on the couch. "And I think she likes you too which is surprising since we're in this crazy situation."

"Mm, yeah," he said, reaching for the wooden box of papers and weed under the coffee table. "We had a good talk about things when you left to get dressed. I think she appreciates my honesty."

Maia raised an eyebrow. "Your honesty, huh? I'm guessing you told her how you feel about me?"

"I didn't have to." He chuckled. "She already knew."

"Yep, that's my sister. She's good at seeing who people really are." Maia smiled, slipping her phone from her pocket and taking a picture of the ring on her finger. "I'm glad you two like each other. It makes all of this a lot easier."

"Good because I don't want this to be hard for you." Mateo slid his hand over hers. "I want you to enjoy this as much as you can."

A blush burned over her cheeks at the tenderness in his eyes. "I plan to," she said, biting her lip. "I've always wanted to know what it's like to date a royal."

A grin tugged at Mateo's lips. "Is that why most of your novels are about that?"

"Yes." She laughed, shaking her head. "I told you I get wrapped up in the romance I write and as silly and far fetched as it sounds, wanting a Prince of my own has always been my ultimate guilty pleasure."

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