🩸You get your period🩸

Start from the beginning

< Tobi/Obito >

It wasn't even surprising that you are the emotional type. When you get your period the only thing you're doing is crying. Crying and crying and some more crying. Obito understood very well and never let's you cry alone and suffer on your own. He would be there anytime you need him. But today was different. You got your period while Obito...aham...u mean Tobi was out on a mission with Deidara because Pain said so. You waited him to come back, but it felt like 300 painful years. You just sulked in bed and cried a lot. Why? Because you thought something bad would happen while he is away from you and also because of the shit called *period*. You were just about to fall asleep, when the door slammed open with happy Tobi.
-Y/N-CHAN, TOBI IS BACK! DOES Y/N-CHAN WANTS TO PLAY WITH TOBI? You tiredly looked at him and his eyes widened after seeing your face. All red and your eyes puffy from crying. He instantly closed the door and from Tobi went to Obito. He removed his mask and looked at you with worried expression.
-What happened? You mentioned him to come closer and so he did. You wrapped your arms around his neck when he crouched on your level.
-I thought something happened to you while you were on your mission! I was so worried! You sobbed. He was really confused why you would think of something like that, but comforted you. Soon the thought of your period came to his mind.
-There is so need to cry. Is there something else you have to tell me?
-Yeah, *sob* I got my period. *sob*.
His face softened and a gentle smile formed on his lips. He was with you for the rest of the day just to make it up to you.

< Kakuzu >

The clingy one. Yes, you heard right. You're the clingy one. Today you got your period and couldn't stop chasing Kakuzu. Poor man got fed up with your clinguness. He was reading an old book, if you don't know, that's one of his hobbies. While reading you entered the room with puppy eyes, looking at him. He was also looking at you.
You stared at him and also so did he.
You narrowed your eyes.
-If you-
-I said no.
-Then I won't ask.
You jumped on him and almost knocked him out. A big and deep "UHHHHH" came from him. You hugged him like nothing happened.
He was staring at you trying to make you leave, but you didn't.
-Relise me woman! Kakuzu stated.
-But I neeeed you~. Please Kakuzu-chan, I will be a good girl~. You said that on purpose just to annoy him.
-You can stay if you promise to never call me that again.
You made yourself comfortable and looked at him with puppy eyes.
-I promise!

< Itachi >

You went to the bathroom to go to the toilet. After you were done and wiped you saw blood on the toilet paper. You face paled.
-Not now....
You rushed to see if you had some pads/tampons left, but guess what. YOU DIDN'T! You rolled some of the toilet paper and put it on....okay...on your panties? And went to look for Itachi. You toured the whole base and finally found him with Kisame drinking some tee in the kitchen. You didn't want to disturb them so you had to ask him more privately.
-Hey guys! You greeted them. Kisame waved at you with his usual smirk on and Itachi just gave you a small soft gentle one.
-'Tachi, can I ask you something?
You leaned next to his ear and whispered.
-I just got my period and noticed that I just an out of pads/tampons. Give some money to buy them! He just nodded and gave you pretty much money. It was more than enough and you could tell that he hint you to buy something for yourself. You cheered with a small laugh and kissed his cheek.
-Thank you Itachi! You thanked him as you left the room. Kisame looked at the Uchiha and asked.
-What was that about?
-She needed money. Itachi calmly said as he drank again from his cup.

< Kisame >

You got your period once with Kisame beside you for emotional support. Your hormones are literally crazy while on your period. You change your mood really fast. You can be lazy for like 2 minutes, then be sad for 10, angry for 7 and crazy for the rest of the day. It changes everytime. Today Kisame had to go swimming alone because you got your period and were too busy with crying, screaming, laughing and being depressed. He came back just to see you for the first time calm. You were looking at some serials and he didn't think something is wrong with that. Well, he was wrong. He saw your puffy eyes from crying and your hand bleeding.
-Y/N, what the fuck did you do now? Kisame asked trying not to laugh.
-KISAMEE~ Hitsugaya is in love with Tahomo, bit can't confess to her because he is sick from illness and will die soon, so there is no hope he will be with her! ITS SO SADD~ You began crying once again. He sighed and sat next to you.
-And why is your hand bleeding? He asked.
-I hit Hidan! That asshole, I will make him pay with his life! I will make him eat his own eyes and see what kind of trash he is! You exploded of anger. Kisame sweat dropped and pat your head.
-Calm down, I understood! You calmed down and laid on his lap, you fell asleep in like 5 mins and he had to lay you away so he could stand up.



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2 memes for so much readers! ☺️

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