⚠️You talk about something serious ⚠️

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< Pain >

You didn't know what happened or how, but Pain and Madara have been picking up fights really often. Mostly Madara was at fault, but Pain kept arguing EVEN when you told him to stop. He even once raised his hand to do the Almighty push, but thankfully you were there and stopped him on time before he blew the whole office up! You decided to go and talk to him in private because if this kept on going most likely something bad would happen. You waited for the perfect moment and when it came you didn't wait any longer and went to his office. Your boyfriend was alone so it was easy. You knocked 3 times on the door and when he shouted "come in" you immediately opened the door.
-Love, we have to talk. It's important.
-What is it, Goddess? Did something bad happened? He asked.
-You and Madara have been picking on fights really often- Pain cut you off before you could end your sentence.
-Goddes, I know, but he has been picking those fights up. I told him that these ideas are bad and he always yells. I am not at fault and will not be.
-Yes yes, I know I am fully aware of it, but don't forget who he is! He knows everything about us and if he wants he can make us live in hell! You have to stop arguing with him or something bad will happen! Please Pain, I understand that you're right, but If not for you then for me! Please stop it...
He was staring at your eyes full of hope and couldn't help, but sigh.
-Alright alright, if that's what you wish for then I can't do anything. I don't want to cause you pain. You let out the sigh you have been holding in and sat on his lap. He wrapped his hands around you and looked at your face.
-Why are you so worried?
-Well, you're my boyfriend! Of course I will be so worried! What if something happens to you? What only if, Nagato? I will never live with that!
He gave you a small smile and hugged you so that his face was buried in your hair. He breathed in your scent and kissed your cheek.
-Thank you.

< Hidan >

Picking up fights with Hidan was so normal that if you don't pick one in a day would be a surprise. But talking about something serious wasn't normal at all. Hidan began stealing money from Kakuzu. At first it was like 20-30¥, but now it's way more serious. Like 300-400¥ and the grumpy grandpa wasn't pleased with the fact at all. The worst was that he always took it on you. He would yell at you for stealing his money and you have to deal with it and pretend like you did it. It was going on until you got fed up and went to talk with Hidan. You weren't about to yell at him because if you do he wouldn't take you seriously. You asked Deidara if he knew where Hidan is and he told you that he was outside training with his scythe ( gomen, I really don't know what this is....:D). You sat on the ground and felt the grass on your fingers.
-Hidan, we have to talk, it's serious!
-What is it, woman? He payed you attention.
-Quit stealing Kakuzu's money!
-Heh, fucking never! He will deal with it!
-Hidan, its not for him! If you think it was for him, will I just come here and ask you to stop!? He is taking all the anger in him on me and I can't do anything because if I do he will get angrier and I will be dead in pure seconds! I will not take responsibility for your actions! You're stopping with the bullshit or I am telling Kakuzu that it was you who stole his money and he will sew your dick on your forehead!
Hidan seemed like he was thinking and finally gave up.
-*Sigh* Alright....
-You kissed his cheek and went to your room hoping that you will not see your boyfriend with a dick on his forehead.

< Deidara >

You have been feeling really bad these days. As "bad" I mean some kind of depression. You didn't talk as much like you usually do and don't pay attention to the important meetings. You didn't do really good in missions and it began worrying your boyfriend really hard. He tried to talk to you, but you ignored him or just didn't pay attention. He couldn't take it anymore and went to your room. Yes, everyone need time for themselves and some place, but yours was too much and on top of all you fail missions. Deidara knocked on your door, but he wasn't as stupid as you thought. He brought you your favorite mochis and some ice cream because those two are always with you in your hard times. He didn't bother to enter the room until he heard a soft and tired of the life "come in". When he did the view he saw was his girlfriend sulking in bed while watching sad Disney movies and eating popcorn. You were crying, of course! He blinked a few times to realize what you were actually doing. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at you while you didn't even bother to look at him.
-Baby, can we talk for a bit?
You looked at him and nodded, your eyes puffy and red from crying.
-You have been feeling down these days, right? He asked with such soft voice. You just nodded and relaxed at the tone of his voice. He cupped your cheek and kissed your lips.
-I know it has to be hard for you, but please try to cheer up, hm. You hadn't been yourself for a week now and I miss you. I miss you along with your cuddles and kisses. I will do everything to have you back, hm! He assured you. You gave a small soft smile and opened your mouth about to speak.
-Thank you Dei. I have been feeling bad because I got a letter from my dad...and..and... you sobbed.
Deidara caressed your back and waited patiently.
-.....he died....that was all you could mumble. His eyes widened and wrapped you in his arms, trying to calm you down.

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