❤️‍🩹~You get hurt~ ❤️‍🩹

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Look at what I just drew

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Look at what I just drew. My husband! :D
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< Pain >

After you left on your own mission and Konan together with Pain went to meet at that place that you didn't even know about, your enemies hurt you really bad. Your arm was literally bleeding out. One of their paper bombs attached to your arm and you couldn't take it off on time so it almost blew your arm off, but you had enough time to perform some sights and make it slow down. Because of that it didn't blew your arm off. You were resting under a giant broken tree, taking heavy breaths. It was really painful. There was no one who could help you and you still had one more person to kill. He was trying to find you. You didn't knew if you could take the last one. Being send on a mission to kill 18 ninjas from The Hidden Stone. This actually was a mission for you and Deidara, but he ran out of clay so you had to go alone. Super plan Y/n, really.
It was taking forever to that person who was trying to find you. While he was looking for you, you made a plan how to take him down and maybe stay alive. Just when you were to try your luck he suddenly fell dead on the ground and a whole puddle of his own blood.
-Great, now I have to fight stronger one. Just my luck. You thought. And then Deidara showed from the trees. He didn't have any clay with him, but had kunais. Good thing that he could fight with them. Because the low level of Chakra and blood in your body you pass out on the blonde. He had to hold you bridel style to the hideout. Sasori helped him bandage your injured forehead and arm. They send a message to Konan so she would know what happened.

< Hidan >

Your favorite Jashinist was outside with Deidara. The young blonde was trying his new clay-bombs. Hidan was with him just because he didn't have something better to do. You made some sandwiches for them since they didn't eat something for hours. Deidara said his new art was a lot stronger and exploses better than the other ones. You went out and saw Hidan and Deidara yelling at each other like kids arguing for a toy. You frowned. It really pissed you off when he was arguing. Yes you hate it when he was always with others and not spending time with you. Maybe he just didn't want to be near you because you always kept yelling at him. You felt really guilty for doing so. You continued walking to them. Deidara, but was really angry and threw one of his clay-bombs towards Hidan. The Jashinist grab it and threw it away. What he didn't saw was you coming with the sandwiches. Deidara didn't expected you to come over, it was supposed to be for Hidan. He yelled ,, Katsu ,, but when he did it, he saw it flying towards you. Your eyes widened in horror. The bomb exploded. It was really massive. It made you fly away while breaking 4 trees on your way. Both their eyes widened in horror.
-YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKER! Hidan yelled. However Deidara didn't even gave a shit about him and went as quick as possible to you. You were laying on the ground covered in blood. Your head was injured really bad. You opened your eyes. Your head felt like it was splitting in two. Deidara held you to himself. Hidan was just about to go see you, but stopped. It seemed like Deidara had to be with you. He just felt bad because if he didn't threw it away, this wouldn't have happened. He left everything in Deidara's hands.

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