Therapy Session 012

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I remember everything like it happened yesterday. The gunshot, the shouting, the crying, the running. From the moonlight shining across the field as we ran to the moment the train ran through. I couldn't see my hands through my tear blurred vision.

He handed me a tissue, in which I accepted and dabbed my tear ducts, making sure the tears don't fall down.

"She survived, yes?" He asks, with a certain edge in his tone. I nod my head simply because my words have caught at my throat.

We sit in a silence that lets him take in everything. How everything escalated so quickly, so fast that we didn't even time to grasp the secrets that were blown out. Half of the things that were said broke a piece of my heart that still has not fully recovered till this day. It roams with the part of me that died, out in the abyss of my memories. I refused to speak of that day because of the emotional pain that it brings but I felt good letting it all out. Letting some of the baggage off myself.

I cleared my throat and blew my nose with a few more tissues. I think about Lory and the train. I think about Ares and the train. How I knew there was something wrong so I turned back and saw that they were stuck. Before I could get to them, the train went through. I felt my heart shatter as I realized the people I regarded as my fruends, some of the best I've ever had, had just been...

Even thinking it hurts me physically.

I couldn't bear that thought so I broke down and ran as fast as I could. I couldn't stop.

I wanted to curse it for being so careless and not noticing that there were people in the way. How did they not see that? So many questions in my head and I had the urge to just curse at it. I couldn't feel my heart anymore. I couldn't feel. I was sitting there, my dress in shambles and so was my makeup. I could only feel the flesh ripping from my throat as I screamed out in horror.

The train passed through and from then I was too gone to even register anything around me.

"Raeni?" He called out. I looked up to him and he stood up. I followed his suit and as soon as his arms came up, I ran to him. I embraced his hug.

He held me so tight, I almost cried again. I kept my composure and made sure to just hold him as well.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into the crown of my head, kissing just the top of it. I know we've breached the whole contract by now but I don't care. I need this, especially from him.

I had to keep my eyes shut close when I heard a small sniffle from him. He mumbled a weak sorry but I know this one was not even meant to be said, he isn't sorry for feeling. He's sorry that it's so late.

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