Important Conversations In The Soop

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"Jungkook, the boathouse is leaking."

That was the excuse his boyfriend had used.  He wasn't sure if he was just nervous to talk to his friend he'd drifted away from or if he was irritated with his lover or both.  Regardless of the reason, nausea bubbled in Jungkook's stomach as he sat across the flames of the firepit from the man he'd once called his best friend.  His common ground.

"Jungkook, don't blame Jimin.  He just hates seeing us not talking and being friends like before.  He and I are best friends.  Soulmates.  He just wanted us to figure things out.  I asked him to bring you.  We...really need to talk.  We can't keep going on like this."

Pouting a bit, Jungkook huffed, but said nothing.  Taehyung sighed and smiled awkwardly at his estranged friend.

"I know why you distanced yourself from me," Taehyung persisted.

Jungkook crossed his growing arms over his thickening chest and flipped his head so the hair fell out of his eyes.  He glared at the man sitting across from him before pouting once more and directing his attention back to the flames.  "Is that so?" he muttered.

"I have no intention of stealing Jimin from you, Jungkook.  I'm not even gay!  And I don't intend to keep him from you for excessive friend time either.  I get that you two are in a relationship.  I get that it had been a long time coming.  But it's been a few years now and you're still constantly together!  I feel like I lost both my best friends at once.  If anything, you stole Jimin from me!  And worse, you took yourself away from me too!"  Taehyung's voice had slowly began to raise in volume.  He caught a glimpse of Jimin trying to not eavesdrop from just inside the glass doors, but also close enough to intervene if necessary.  For some reason it made him angrier.

He shot a glare at his soulmate and looked back to the man his soulmate loved.  "Look, I know it isn't just about wanting to spend all your time together, too.  I know it also has to do with the Taekook stuff.  The shipping.  It doesn't bother me because I know it isn't true.  I've told armies to get out of their imaginations, and I've accepted that I can't control what other people think or believe.  I also know that it bothers you, but that it really bothers Jimin.  He and I have already had a conversation about that.  We were able to do that because we continued to communicate.  You just shut me out.  I know you're trying to show Jimin that there's nothing to worry about and that you've created a clear separation for his sake, but he's told me he trusts you and he doesn't need that.  He doesn't want our friendship to suffer just because other people believe things about us that aren't true."

Jungkook finally reacted to that, as if he'd woken up from a daydream he'd been in.  "Sounds like you have it all figured out then, Taehyung.  If you know so much about why I pushed you away, why did you even need to bring me here and waste my time?"

He felt bad saying it.  He didn't mean it.  It was just that being confronted like this and ambushed by the man he loved most and his once best friend made his rebellious side come out.  He couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed by their sneak attack when they could've just asked to have a conversation with him.  To make matters worse...the cameras were here.  He knew most of this conversation would be cut from the show, but it was just enough juicy drama that he knew parts of it would be left in and he'd have to deal with what Armies would do with this footage.

"I didn't mean-" Taehyung started.

Jungkook cut him off, sitting up a little straighter in the fold-out chair.  "You're right.  I don't want you to steal Jimin from me.  Either as a friend or as a boyfriend.  And you're right about the Taekook stuff.  It does bother me and I know how much it hurts Jimin sometimes.  To some extent, I am trying to avoid that, but do you know the real reason I've been pushing you away?  The real reason I don't want to be around you or have Jimin around you?"

Me, Myself, and Jikook (Jikook Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora