Ask him out.


Can't you read? ASK HIM OUT.

I can't just ask skeppy out! Are you crazy?!


Jeez no need to get mad at me!

I just want you to be happy, bad.

I appreciate that.
Look, I'll consider it okay?

I'm caught off guard by the sound of skeppy laughing. I just turn off my phone, whatever dream has to say can wait.

"What's so funny?"

He turns to me, still giggling.

"Did you not see it?"

"Guess not."

He grabs the remote and rewinds the video a few seconds. the kid in the video jack's watching suddenly trips and lands face first on the ground.

Skeppy busts out laughing again and I just chuckle.

"Poor kid"


The day passes by. Me and skeppy streamed for about 2 hours, and it was a pretty unremarkable stream. At this point, we went back to mindlessly scrolling YouTube on the tv.

"What do you want to do for dinner skeppy?"

"Uh I don't know. Any local places we haven't gone to that you like?"

"Well, there is this one Mexican restaurant called El Charro's. How about there?"

"Sounds good to me! It's late enough, wanna get food then do that stargazing thing?"


Skeppy turns off the tv as I get off the couch, heading to my room. I decide to dress myself a little nice.

I put on a pair of black ripped jeans, find my best shirt, and throw on my nice leather jacket. Then I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and to my surprise, I'm not bothered by the man in the mirror.

Looking at my reflection, I see all the flaws. The nose shape, the tooth gap, the pores, everything that usually upsets me. But this time, it doesn't.

For the first time, I like how I look.

I smile, grabbing my toothbrush, and applying some paste. As I brush, I continue to stare at myself in the mirror, finding more and more details that I used to hate.

Details that now.. I love. I.. love myself.

I love how I look, who I am.

More so, I think I love who I am with skeppy. He's always brought out both the best and worst in me.

I spit out the toothpaste, and rinse my mouth out with water. I use a comb and a bit of jell to get my long hair to stay down, and put it in a ponytail.

I step into a nice pair of boots and tied them as a final touch. Walking out I see skeppy standing by the door, looking at his phone. He hears my footsteps as I walk in.

"Finally! You always take so long to-"

He looks up and freezes. I swear his cheeks start to glow.

"I- woah-"

I just chuckle. "Impressed?" I ask, walking towards him.

"You went all out huh?"

I just nod and grab my keys off of a hook by the front door. Just like before, we walk out and hop into my car. I drive us about 10 miles to El Charro's, and like always, it's packed

It's so popular they had to build a tent out front because the building couldn't fit all the people wanting to eat there.

We're lucky enough to get a seat inside, and we're seated at a small table in the back corner, right next to the kitchen.

The smell of Carne Asada and Menudo fill my nose, and the beautiful man across from me fills my thoughts.

The waiter comes over to place a bowl of corn chips and salsa on the table and asks for our orders.

I get the Carne Asada burrito, and Skeppy orders 2 Tamales. We chat and snack on the chips for about 20 minutes before I food arrives.

"So, bad, can I ask you something?" Skeppy questions, cutting off a piece of his food and popping it in his mouth.

I've already started stuffing my face with my burrito so I just nod and try to finish chewing quickly.

"Why exactly did you dress up? I mean, I don't mind, but why now?"

I almost choke on my food. The answer's simple; I wanted to look good for him. But why would I tell him that?

"Uhm- this is just a nice restaurant y'know? And I didn't want to seem out of place."

"Fair. Why didn't you tell me that then?"

Damn it. Well, time to pull more lies out of thin air.

"It's not like it's required, and I figured you're not as touchy about appearance as I am."

"Oh okay!"

Phew, he bought it.

The rest of dinner goes well. A lot of talking and laughter, just like every day. I really couldn't be more glad I agreed to this. If I hadn't, I'd still be sulking over my appearance and hiding my face.

I wouldn't have realized I'm gay. Or that I like skeppy. I would've never seen my favorite version of myself.

We finish our food, and leave, making sure to give our nice waiter a generous tip.

"Ready to see some stars skeppy?" I ask as we walk to my car.

"Hell yeah!!" He squeals in excitement as he jumps into the passenger seat. I just sigh with a smile. He's so cute.

I get in and start the car. The silent drive from the restaurant to the outskirts of town is nice. Just us in our own heads, listening to the radio in the background.

I pull into a patch of dirt on the side of the road. Skeppy looks up, confused.

"Where are we?"

"At the stargazing spot! We had to get out of the city because of the light pollution."

"Oh." He slaps himself in the head, seemingly at the fact he didn't think of that fairly obvious fact. I lead him out of the car and through the wooded area we stopped by,

I bring him to a small clearing in the trees. The spot is full of soft grass, and looking up, you have a perfect view of the sky.

We lay down on the grass and stare at the void above. A bit of conversation is made over time, but we're mostly silent, just enjoying each other's company, the cool breeze, and the specks of light above.

Skeppy brings one of his hands down, and intertwines my fingers with his, making my heart skip a beat.

I've held his hand before. But never like this. It's been simple grasping my wrist or squeezing my palm. Not tangling our fingers together like we're lovers.

My face heats up as my stomach fill to the brim with butterflies. And I love it. I love the feeling he gives me. I love having him here. I love him.

Then it hits me. He's leaving in 2 days. The best thing that's ever happened to me is being ripped away in less than 48 hours.

I can't handle the realization and tears start to sting my eyes and stream down my cheeks, gently hitting the grass below me. I hear skeppy shuffle beside me.


When I met your eyes//SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now