7. Running into walls

216 9 25

Word count: 1814

Day seven

I can't believe it's been an entire week skeppy's been here. 7 days! 168 hours! It's been amazing having him here.

We've done plenty together. Going to the movies, streaming together, baking, stuff like that. Of course I've spent every second of every day with him. I never realized how much I hate being apart from him.

Maybe that's a little pathetic. Being so enthralled by someone who only sees me as a friend. But that's ok. Even if he never loves me the way I love him, I'm just glad he's here.

I'm glad he isn't uncomfortable with my looks, too. He's complemented me plenty. He isn't scared to touch me, isn't scared to be seen with me in public, he seems like he legitimately doesn't mind my looks.

And maybe that's one of the big reasons I've fallen head of heels. Heck, I'm not just head over heels, I'm doing barrel rolls at this point!

He's just so sweet. So kind, so surprisingly gentle. I've had a few insecure moments the past week, and every time he praises me, delivering his words like they're a fragile piece of art.

It makes me more and more smitten every time, and at this point I think he might be my downfall.

Especially considering the dream I had last night..


"Pfff- bad! What the fuck!"

"Language!" I joke, nudging him.

He just laughs."God, you're adorable, you know?"

"Eh- what?"

"You heard me. You're cute." He turns to me, lightly flushed.

I can feel my face light fire and my breath quicken as if I just ran a marathon.

"Thanks skeppy.." I trail off, unsure of what to say.

Something in his eyes softens, and he gently reaches up and places his hand on my cheek.

I can feel my heart jump out of my throat, as I slightly lean towards him.

He does the same. Gently inching closer and closer, to the point I can feel his breath on my lips.

I close my eyes, and prepare for what's about to happen.

As suddenly as it started, everything cuts off.


It would be a lie to say I wasn't a little disappointed by the fact it cut off like that. It did make me take some time to reflect on the trip though.

I realize I've just been laying down, staring at the ceiling. What time is it? Turning over to my side, I grab my phone and unplug it. The time reads 7:47. My alarm is supposed to go off at 9.

Honestly I don't think I could go back to sleep at this point. I'm the kinda person that takes at least an hour to fall asleep, if I did go back to bed I wouldn't actually fall asleep until right before my alarm.

Whatever. I slither out of bed and to the kitchen, and greet Lucy. I fill her food and water dishes as quietly as possible, and pour myself a cup of the coffee I brewed yesterday.

I'm not particularly a fan, but I need the caffeine.

I grab my mug and walk out onto the front porch, sitting on the steps. It's fairly nice out right now, not to hot, not to cold.

When I met your eyes//SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now