8. I think you're pretty

207 9 6

Word count: 1277

We return our skates to the kid at the desk and get our shoes back in return. The lady at the front desk cheerfully waves us out as we leave.

It's still awkward. I'd love to break the tension but I'm still so flustered I don't know what to say. I really hope he hasn't noticed me sweating.

We head to the car and get in. I should say something. Come on bad, SAY SOMETHING.

"So.. are you getting hungry?"

He says nothing. I look over to him, and he's just staring off into space. God, I messed up. What have I done? I humiliated him public!

Of course he's upset right now. We were in a room surrounded by people, and he fell on top of me. Everyone's eyes were on him. On me. Judging me.

I can practically hear their thoughts.

'What is a cutie like him doing on top of that ogre?'

'Ew, I can smell him from here. How is that man even able to be that close?'

'Is he okay?'

'Why is he even with someone like that?'

I swear I heard some of them laughing. At me. What was I thinking? Accepting skeppy's request to dance? I should've known I would mess it all up. I should've known I'd find a way to upset him.

Why is he even still here? When we get home he probably won't talk to me ever again. He'll grab his stuff and stay in a hotel for the rest of the trip, then get on a plane home and never talk to me again.

God, I'm so stupid! He hates me now. You know what, he probably hated me before! He just pitied me and hid it.

I feel my grip tighten on the wheel, and tears start to bubble up in my eyes.

I'm so pathetic.

I try as hard as possible to push everything down and keep myself from crying. But try as I might, I fail and drops of water stream down my face.

Sniffles escape my nose and hiccups erupt out of my throat. I sob harder and harder the more I think, and as much as I try to stop, I can't.

My throat stings from trying to hold it in. All of a sudden skeppy turns to me.


He quickly reaches over and places a hand on my shoulder.

"I-I'm- (sniff) fine.."

"No you're not! Is this the whole body image thing again?"

"I..." how honest should I be with him? He deserves to know, but what if he does hate me and is just putting up a front?

"Bad. Please talk to me.." he asks gently. Oh, so gently. It makes my heart skip another unbearable beat.

".. do you promise you won't use this against me?"

"Yes bad. I promise." He responds so quickly I'm not even sure if he knew what I actually said.

I take a deep breath in, gathering my thoughts. And when I speak, it all spills out of me like a hole in a bucket.

"I just feel so bad and like I'm embarrassing you by existing! You- (hic) were so embarrassed after we fell that I- I thought you were upset with me! And I mean I would be too if I were you! Having all those people looking at you as you're effectively straddling the ugliest person in the room, I can't imagine how humiliated you must feel!"

When I met your eyes//SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now